
RedMixer is a program that evolves warriors for the game of CoreWar...

Files and options...

Various tools I use (not exactly refined but work for me)...

Results and docs...

Corewar is a game where programs written in "redcode" battle each other in a simulated "core". Punching "corewar" into a search engine returns lots of informative web sites that explain the game, here it is assumed that the reader is familiar with terms like instruction modifier etc. Redcode has certain properties that make it suitable for using genetic algorithms and other A-Life techniques to evolve warriors from random beginnings: for every warrior there is another warrior that can beat it; there are no invalid combinations of the various language elements; and most importantly, changes to the warrior's code tend to improve or weaken the warrior, quite unlike regular machine code where any change tends to result in a non-functional program. Unlike some A-Life systems when evolving warriors for Corewar, the reproduction mechanism is not part of the organism but rather a feature of the evolver program itself. The evolver makes mutated copies of successful warriors to other locations within the "soup" (the collection of warriors being evolved, not to be confused with replicating warriors that make copies of their code throughout the core), replacing weaker warriors with stronger ones. Keep in mind that strength is only in relation to what already exists - for every code form there is another that is stronger so the warriors in the soup may cycle through different variations as the process continually tries to find ways to beat the existing warriors. The overall strength of the soup warriors tends to increase over time (up to a point) but not all the oscillations do particularly well on benchmark tests. Evolved warriors for core size 80 tend to be more competitive against hand-coded warriors than warriors evolved for other core sizes but it is all relative... although purely evolved warriors for larger core sizes tend to be weak they are still fun to play against other evolved warriors, and they provide better feedback for finding more effective evolving techniques.

RedMixer is a grid-based evolver similar to REBS with an interface added for examining the evolved warriors. The overall evolving algorithm is simple - randomly select two neighboring warriors from the soup (if either doesn't exist create a random warrior), battle them in pMARS, replace the loser with a mutated copy of the winner and repeat until the process is stopped. The mutations includes operations such as changing the instruction, modifier, A and B address modes and values, inserting and deleting lines and changing where the warrior begins executing from. Some operations involve various kinds of changes to the same item such as incrementing or decrementing an existing value or selecting a new random value, which can be a small offset which can refer to warrior locations or a large value which can refer to other locations within the core. The topology of the soup plays a fairly significant role in the results by permitting "islands" of warriors to evolve semi-independently from other warriors in the soup. Evolvers that have no topology tend to find a local strength maximum and have difficulty finding higher maximums unless other steps are taken such as using an evaluation hill, "valhalla", structured crossover, etc. Introducing the concept of locality causes warriors to only be compared with other warriors around it, giving weaker forms more time to try various mutations and possibly increase in strength or turn into entirely different forms without immediately being wiped out by other stronger warriors in the soup. I prefer the grid topology as it resembles a "world", the RedMixer grid is wrapped on the left and right but not on the top and bottom to form a cylinder of warriors. Another viable topology for reducing excessive spread is the "fuzzy ring" where warriors are linearly numbered and battle other warriors within a certain range, wrapping at the ends. This topology is not directly supported by RedMixer but can be approximated by using a short but wide soup.

One of the main reasons I wrote RedMixer (besides wanting to add an interface to the REBS concept) was to explore various crossover methods. Picking just any warrior to mix with doesn't help much, crossing with mostly similar code has a much greater chance of producing an offspring which retains characteristics of the parents. To assist with selecting similar code RedMixer records a species string into each warrior, if more than a certain percentage of instructions are changed then it selects a new string to create a new species that will be ignored (when set to cross only like species). As with battle selection, crossover mates are chosen from warriors immediately surrounding the winning warrior. RedMixer also has an "attraction" option that records the number of times a warrior wins a soup battle and its average score so the program can select the most effective warrior to cross with. How the redcode is mixed likely makes a difference so a few options are included to affect the crossover process. Once the warrior to cross with has been selected, a flag variable is used to determine whether the lines being copied and mutated come from the winning warrior or the warrior selected to cross with, a setting determines the odds of the flag being initially set to the winning warrior. Settings determine the chance of changing the source warrior for each item in a line and the chance of changing the source on line boundaries, this provides control of the average size of code fragments from each warrior. In the present scheme each cross partner contributes approximately half of the code of the code which will be mutated to produce the new warrior.

Blog-like stuff, most recent entries first...

1/16/10 - I made a new evolver called MEVO that's similar to RedMixer but a bit more refined and not dos-based, so the FreeBasic code is cleaner (no QBasic-compatible ON ERROR GOTO stuff) and it's more well-behaved under Windows. No lib mods are needed to recompile for Linux. Other advantages is it can multi-thread, mostly keeps the soup in memory for less disk usage, can write a log file that can be used to plot run progress, and has somewhat simpler options... but isn't quite as versatile and doesn't seem quite as strong when evolving for tiny and standard core sizes. Nano's good.

An interesting real-world evolver-related thing I stumbled upon is circuit evolution, typically using a SPICE simulator to evaluate mutations. I used a program called ASCO (A SPICE Circuit Optimizer) to help find out if a filter network would be fully tweakable before designing a printed circuit board, ASCO found solutions I hadn't thought of. Evolving a netlist isn't that different from evolving warriors, so hoping some of the techniques I've previously explored will be useful. ASCO uses a technique called Differential Evolution, which tends to converge to a single solution - I'm anxious to try a grid-based approach to generate multiple competing solutions - kinda like circuit wars where the better solution wins local battles but the process lets spatially-removed competing solutions survive long enough to possibly develop alternative solutions.

7/2/09 - 1.2x5 seems pretty stable so packaged up all the builds (QBasic, Windows and Linux) into a tar.gz file (needed to preserve attributes, to extract under Windows use an extractor that handles tar.gz files). There still might be bugs... lots of changes were made. The re-insertion feature is still very experimental, have not found optimum settings yet and it can affect the evolution of the soup in unpredictable ways - the inserted warriors might mutate and become stronger and at the same time they encourage the evolution of warriors that beat them which might or might not produce stronger benchmark results. Re-insertion also kind of goes against "natural" evolution (nature doesn't re-insert) but it can be disabled, using only the automatic benchmark and extraction options - these alone makes this new version a lot more convenient (assuming there are no drastic bugs) as it eliminates having to benchmark the entire soup to find strong warriors, comments are added to each extracted warrior with the bench score, the test directory and number of test warriors, and how many rounds were used.

The code has become too large to compile for dos (FirstBasic says it's too big), and if running interpreted there may be problems running a dos version of pmarsv but in my testing under DosEmu/FreeDos it still works for nano so probably no worse than it was. This is not an issue when running the QBasic version under Windows XP. A FreeBasic-compiled version for Windows is also supplied, might be more compatible with other versions of Windows and multitasks better but isn't as quite as fast when evolving as the interpreted QBasic version.

6/30/09 - The 1.2 version is coming along... although it still doesn't seem to be quite as strong at making nano warriors as the small SEWAX program. Not sure why but I suspect it's because of simpler parameters such as only using spl mov and djn instructions and only simple mutations. Sometimes (quite often actually) complexity makes things worse by presenting more choices to get wrong [or it could just be the luck of the draw]. The latest testing version incorporates an enhanced version of the ANSI mod that also records the average size, generation, last score and top score [does not have the color options from the original mod, not needed].

6/27/09 - Lately I've been playing around with small evolvers, with the right options sometimes these tiny little programs can perform better than big evolvers, but more importantly they provide an easy way to try out new ideas without the code weight of a large program. One idea I tried was a way to perform automatic benchmarking and saving of strong warriors, and to increase the scores periodically re-inserting the top-scoring warrior back into the soup. This guides evolution without directly evaluating the soup warriors against a bench set like some guided evolvers do, rather the soup continues to evolve normally (battling each other), but gives an adjustable advantage to warriors that bench well. [...added similar code to an experimental RedMixer 1.2...]

6/4/09 - The new RedMixer 1.1a packages are up - the documentation might still be rough but should be good enough for now (darn, forgot to put a note in the zip version that stock pmars requires that some coresize-8000 benchmark warriors have to be edited to add space after \ for proper benchmark results... oh well will try to catch it next time).

There isn't a lot of functional change from 1.0d to 1.1a, it's basically the same except it is now compatible with FreeBasic with new benchmark code that isn't dos-specific so can be run under Linux natively without having to emulate dos. While in the code I fixed a couple of minor glitches and added 3 new optional INI settings to better control the warrior size when evolving for coresize 8000 (a maxpmlen in case the pmars setting needs to be different than maxlen), compensate for Linux's case sensitivity (a setting so I can say *.RED instead of having to rename my existing bench warriors), and a setting to specify the number of screen lines so it'll work better on my Asus 701SD that has a 22-line Konsole terminal. Since it is no longer necessary to have to use a dos version of pmarsv to emulate under Linux the pmarsv50 batch for running a dos pmarsv with a 50 line display has been removed. Big soups work fine with the SDL "pmarsw" and for Linux I'm sure xterm can be set to display more lines - but still need to test that. Big soups never did a lot for me anyway besides taking longer to evolve.

5/17/09 - Solved the shell problem with FreeBasic [workaround is in fb020shellmod.tar.gz] to produce a native Linux version of RedMixer. Yay! While at it made so I can press Esc to exit and fixed a couple of very minor bugs - soup coloring is now "correct" (but the incorrect method had little to no visible effect) and increased the number of loops in the bits for clearing the key buffer to try to avoid bouncing keys when running on my Asus (which sometimes sends two keys for a keypress). The benchmark code has been partially rewritten to not use dos batch processing. [outdated info removed]

4/11/09 - Finally got a RedMixer warrior onto the SAL tiny hill, in last place and it took a stone to soften it up first but whatever works [didn't last long got knocked off :]. This is a close relative of Clone #3 that I found after retesting previous results using various additional benchmarks...

;name Refocused Clone #7
;author Terry Newton
;strategy Evolved by RedMixer 1.0d3f-800 (as 17_15, gen 1138)
;strategy Cloned to all soup members and re-evolved
;strategy Franz score = 176, TinyBM04 score = 130
;generation 1138
;assert CORESIZE==800
mov.i < 709 , > 275
mov.b < 635 , { 572
mov.i { 336 , } 600
mov.i < 107 , { 743
spl.x # 226 , } 2
mov.i < 4 , { 3
mov.i > 272 , } -2
mov.i } 728 , { 0
djn.x $ 208 , < 561
end 0
;species 01_17
;wins 8
;score 180

Also similar to this one which (barely) beats all the Franz test warriors...

;name Fluttering EvolBits
;author Terry Newton
;strategy Evolved by RedMixer 1.0d3h-800
;parents -->
;generation 1173
;assert CORESIZE==800
mov.b < 135 , > 575
mov.i } 551 , < 48
mov.i { 450 , } 600
mov.i < 472 , { 772
spl.i # 225 , } 2
mov.i < 4 , { 3
mov.i > 272 , } -2
mov.i > 726 , { 0
djn.i $ 208 , < 556
end 0
;species 15_14
;wins 8
;score 172

Opponent Scores Results Performance of Fluttering EvolBits
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Tiny Wicked 1669 1174 504 339 157 **********************
Tiny AK-47 1561 1306 476 391 133 ********************
Tiny Barbarian 1192 1129 171 150 679 ***************
Tiny Brutality 2492 338 774 56 170 *********************************
Tiny Everclear 1670 1124 488 306 206 **********************
Golden Gate v4 2373 546 764 155 81 *******************************
Tiny Porter 1819 1060 566 313 121 ************************
Tiny Spiral 1638 708 328 18 654 *********************
Tiny Tiberius 1424 1361 403 382 215 ******************
D-Clear 2440 469 783 126 91 ********************************
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Adjusted Score: 182.7

This one also had the highest "score ratio" with the Franz test set, the sum of the first score column divided by the second column is almost 2 to 1. To assist with the math I made a program (SCRATIO.BAS) that takes a TESTALL report as input and writes the scores and ratios to another file. Often the warrior with the highest score ratio also has the highest score but not always. To make it easier to test a group of candidates against many benchmarks I use a batch file that calls several copies of TESTALL.BAT each edited to a specific benchmark set then the batch calls a modification of the score ratio program hard-coded to process all of the reports in one step (by calling the main part of the code reconfigured as a subroutine), then I can try to figure out which warrior is "better". A somewhat difficult task when the hill contents is not known. Although the strong warriors from this particular line are fairly similar, the differences in numbers, addressing modes and modifiers cause them to perform better or worse depending on the warriors they're being played against. But I'm about ready for a different line... got new experiments going...

3/29/09 - I've been trying to push a family of evolved replicators (decended from "Experiment A" described in cwevol.pdf and in the 3/15/09 entry below) to the point they can make the SAL tiny hill, not having much luck. So far this is the best I've come up with, lacked less than 2 points of making the hill...

;name Refocused Clone #3
;author Terry Newton
;strategy Evolved by RedMixer 1.0d3f-800 (as 21_36, gen 1096)
;strategy Cloned to all soup members and re-evolved
;strategy Franz score = 178, TinyBM04 score = 130
;generation 1096
;assert CORESIZE==800 < 730 , > 694
mov.b # 332 , { 578
mov.i { 335 , } 600
mov.i < 92 , { 744
spl.ab # 226 , } 2
mov.i < 4 , { 3
mov.i > 272 , } -2
mov.i } 728 , { 0
djn.i $ 208 , < 665
end 0
;species 01_17
;wins 2
;score 146

It's quite similar to 02_34, which was cloned and evolved a bit to generate 09_18 then cloned and evolved some more. But 02_34 only lacked about 4 points of making the hill so all the shuffling and cloning isn't yielding that much improvement. The experiment is still on-going, now back to plain evolving using the strongest of the clone experiment warriors for the seed soup. Some of the speciments are scoring as high as 183 against the Franz test set but are not doing as well when benchmarked against other test sets, not sure what's going to happen.

One of the benchmarks I use is the contents of the old 1/05 Sourceforge tiny hill and I noticed these warriors were getting an unusually high score against one of the warriors, so thinking it might be something I had been testing and forgot to remove I investigated. Nope it was part of the old hill. Well this must be pretty weak warrior I thought, but wrong again, the little bugger turned in fairly good scores - 183 against the Franz set and 137 against the TinyBM04 set. And it's a little bitty Fizzle warrior...

;name 08-25-2004
;author Terry Newton
;assert CORESIZE == 800
MOV.AB $ 193 , }-2
MOV.I { 267 , @ 0
SPL.I # 80 , { 1
MOV.I } 147 , }-3
DJN.I $-1 , }-4
;evolved using Fizzle 1.2
;generation 736
;length 5

Huh. Just a "boring" stony thing, not much to see when it runs. I chose to pursue the replicating forms because they're more interesting from a code point of view, but they're at a disadvantage as replicators tend to tie more against other replicators and lose to scanners (and there seems to be a lot of hand-coded scanners these days, a strategy that doesn't show up much when evolving). Stone strategies tend to win or lose, often gathering more points in the process. The 02_08 nano warrior uses a similar boring strategy but that works well for it.

The following charts illustrate the difference...

Opponent        Scores     Results     Performance of
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Betadine 1792 1186 590 388 22 ***********************
Wilt ;) 493 2404 130 767 103 ******
Unknown 1720 1246 562 404 34 **********************
Ugly Uncle 859 2116 278 697 25 ***********
Tiny Zooom... 1838 1127 601 364 35 ************************
Table Scan 1880 1091 617 354 29 *************************
Tinyshot 1678 1246 534 390 76 **********************
tiny Blowrag 371 2549 97 823 80 ****
Tiny BiShot 2.0 1982 1010 658 334 8 **************************
Digital Swarm 745 2074 188 631 181 *********
Son of Darkness 946 1723 205 464 331 ************
Snowstorm 1786 1018 530 274 196 ***********************
Sneaky Spike 1833 1122 596 359 45 ************************
Seek and Destro 1698 1296 564 430 6 **********************
Provenance 1971 999 647 323 30 **************************
Potenza 668 2273 203 738 59 ********
Origin of Storm 1531 1438 500 469 31 ********************
Muskrat 1350 1623 441 532 27 ******************
livewire voodoo 887 2000 258 629 113 ***********
Hellish Glare 1393 1510 432 471 97 ******************
Lone Gunman 1851 1104 602 353 45 ************************
Where's Giles? 1218 1629 355 492 153 ****************
Diamondette 1329 1587 415 501 84 ***************** 714 2265 231 748 21 *********
Four Winds 1826 1157 603 380 17 ************************
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Adjusted Score: 137.4

Opponent Scores Results Performance of Refocused Clone #3
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Betadine 1297 1498 364 431 205 *****************
Wilt ;) 1204 1540 316 428 256 ****************
Unknown 1504 1105 371 238 391 ********************
Ugly Uncle 1583 1214 460 337 203 *********************
Tiny Zooom... 1184 1721 363 542 95 ***************
Table Scan 881 1958 240 599 161 ***********
Tinyshot 1356 1503 405 454 141 ******************
tiny Blowrag 1215 1212 214 213 573 ****************
Tiny BiShot 2.0 1000 1840 280 560 160 *************
Digital Swarm 1140 1299 193 246 561 ***************
Son of Darkness 1047 1374 156 265 579 *************
Snowstorm 1280 1175 245 210 545 *****************
Sneaky Spike 1400 1442 414 428 158 ******************
Seek and Destro 1227 1599 351 475 174 ****************
Provenance 1154 1733 347 540 113 ***************
Potenza 1446 1281 391 336 273 *******************
Origin of Storm 1046 1814 302 558 140 *************
Muskrat 1845 1035 575 305 120 ************************
livewire voodoo 1353 1032 246 139 615 ******************
Hellish Glare 1454 1391 433 412 155 *******************
Lone Gunman 1539 1263 447 355 198 ********************
Where's Giles? 1210 1087 169 128 703 ****************
Diamondette 1928 767 541 154 305 ************************* 1143 1662 316 489 195 ***************
Four Winds 1216 1633 355 494 151 ****************
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Adjusted Score: 130.6

084 is up and down without as many ties, and predictably does well against the scanners and poorly against replicators. Refocused does fairly well against bombers, not so good against the scanners and ties a lot with the papers. Thus confirming basic core war theory :-) but if this replicating form is going to ever get anywhere it's going to have to toughen up. When writing my evolving document I dismissed the stones as one of the things I was attempting to demonstrate was that the principles of evolution could lead to the development of more "intelligent" forms of code, but the dynamics of core war place those forms at a disadvantage unless they develop strengths in other areas.

3/28/09 - A little easily-solved issue I haven't mentioned as it's a specific OS bug (and I forgot about it) - under Ubuntu 8.04, the stock DosEmu program fails with a memory map error and segmentation fault because a security update that forbids access to the first 64KB of system memory. The problem is described in this Ubuntu launchpad entry along with various solutions. My solution was I made a fix script which runs another script containing (this is for Ubuntu 8.04 only) "echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr" as root (rigged so I don't have to bother with entering a password), then for dosemu renamed the dosemu script to dosemu_stock and replaced with a script that runs the fix then runs dosemu_stock "$@" to pass all parms. I did it this way because my DosEmu was compiled from source so I can mess with the files all I want, and at the time thought there might be a reason for the security change so only wanted to reset it after running DosEmu or another affected emulator. After reading the discussion in the bug entry it appears that the memory map change wasn't a real problem after all, so the suggested permanent "unfix" that permits DosEmu to run unchanged might be a better solution if affected. For later Ubuntu's the problem has been corrected (I think). Just thought I'd mention this just in case someone installs DosEmu to run RedMixer under Ubuntu and finds it doesn't work. I don't know if other systems are affected but if a similar error occurs look for a similar fix. It's just a bit of tweaking to sneak DosEmu past a security change and for me is totally trivial compared to the convenience of being able to run almost all my dos stuff from the past 15 years. My Linux GUI right-clicks for *.red files are full of dos utilities for doing various things with warriors. Another possibly helpful Ubuntu tip - under Gnome I use ROX Mime Editor to define custom redcode type so the associated utilities don't show up for every text file.

Updated the initial up-front links to include the various scattered links plus a couple new links, the most significant is a link to "Using Core War to Simulate Evolution", a document I wrote mainly to provide a mostly self-contained snapshot of the present RedMixer program and what it does, code and all, in an easily preserved and distributable PDF file. This is the first semi-proper document I've written about the subject, came out a bit on the big side but includes what I wanted to include and says most of the things I wanted to say. I was attempting to present a mostly scientifically valid demonstration of the principles of evolution and natural selection so I didn't use any tricks except for presenting one warrior that was derived by re-evolving (, see 3/15/09 entry below) to show how unnatural selection can produce stronger code. Now that the science is done (for now), almost all tricks available are back on the table with the exception of seeding with already-strong hand-written warriors. Even re-evolving other evolved warriors is fair game provided it improves the form (but not really interested in doing that). One thing I've been doing is taking a single strong warrior and copying it to all positions in the soup then running the evolver a bit to generate numerous varients (some stronger some weaker), then repeating with the new strongest warriors. Several points of improvement can be obtained this way. The "clone" program I use is very crude...

line input "clone file: ";clone$
clone$ = ltrim$(rtrim$(clone$))
if clone$ = "" then system
line input "soup dir: ";soup$
soup$ = ltrim$(rtrim$(soup$))
if soup$ = "" then system
shell "md " + soup$
for x = 1 to 77
for y = 1 to 21
yname$ = right$("0" + ltrim$(rtrim$(str$(y))),2)
xname$ = right$("0" + ltrim$(rtrim$(str$(x))),2)
dest$ = soup$ + "\" + yname$ + "_" + xname$ + ".red"
shell "copy " + clone$ + " " + dest$ + " > nul"
next y
next x

3/20/08 - I've been playing around with the (3/2/09) size-800 settings, seems that it works about the same (give or take due to random varience) when "attraction" is turned off, where it's simply randomly picking a another surrounding warrior of the same species to cross with (or just mutate if no same-species warriors around). As of about generation 600 the present run with attraction off is right in the middle score-wise as two other runs with attraction on but otherwise identical settings, all produced warriors scoring in the 160-170 range against the Franz tiny test set. Seems the "attraction" idea isn't as effective as I was hoping it would be, oh well at least it has a switch. Once again the simpler method seems to be just as good (but we'll see, let it run for awhile [after another couple hundred generations scores were down by almost 20 points - but that might possibly be a result of using only 30 rounds - tricky stuff, if rounds are more than 50 then replicators don't seem to develop]). On the other hand, some sort of similar-code selection mechanism such as same-species (same length and similar base instructions) appears to be necessary when using crossover, tried evolving with the crossmode set to any (where it just picks a surrounding warrior with no regard to content) and the result was a stony mess. No similar-code islands developed, evolution occured but scores remained low. Haven't tried yet but I'm guessing same-origin (a warrior decended from the same original randomly-created warrior) would also work, at least to a degree, should permit islands of similar code to develop. Question remains if the islands will remain or if it'll all degenerate into a hodgepodge of broken code.

3/15/09 - I rediscovered a little thing I forgot... ANSI can be enabled in Windows XP, provided "command" is used to run the type command or app using ANSI. To enable, check to see if the ansi.sys file is present in the Windows system32 directory, if it is add the following line to the CONFIG.NT file in the same directory...


...then it should be possible to open a dos window where an ANSI file is and display it using the command...

command /c type filename.ans

The "no ANSI" limitation in WinXP only applies to things running under cmd, the "dos" shell seems to process ANSI codes just fine. This can be put into a batch file so (say) .ans files can be associated to the batch and displayed by double-clicking them, but it is a little tricky as the filename parameter passed by Windows is quoted for long filenames but command (like any dos program) only understands unquoted short filenames. The quotes can be removed with a FOR command but there's still the matter of long filenames. Typing "help for" provided a FOR option that converts the filename into a short name, problem solved...

:: typefile.bat - displays file in a dos window (WinXP etc)
:: if ansi.sys installed in config.nt then displays ansi file
:: when "run" by associating .ans files with this batch
@echo off
for %%a in (%1) do set file=%%~sa
command /c type %file%
pause > nul

Also added to the ansi movie mod file (see 3/3/09 entry).

On evolving size 800 warriors... what I'm finding is the number of soup battle rounds makes a big difference. With 30 rounds I get papers but if rounds is set to 75 or 100 I only get boring rocks. Apparently evaluation error is needed to foster the development of more "intelligent" code, my theory is because it starts out relatively weak and requires "luck" to evolve to the point it can compete with the simpler but deadlier programs. Once a population of papers has taken root, then rounds can be increased more more accurate evaluation and stronger code. Another trick is once the strongest warriors in a soup don't seem to be getting any stronger, take a few of the strongest members and put them in a new empty soup. Upon re-evolving they'll quickly take over the initial random code and create a soupful of varients of the desired form, usually increasing the score of the strongest members by a few points (but check often as after so long the top scores return to the "normal maximum" for the parameters - but it's a random process so results will vary). Using these techniques and the red800.ini file with rounds first increased from 30 to 50 then to 100 I ended up with this specimen...

;name Pushed Replicator (02_34)
;author Terry Newton
;strategy Evolved by RedMixer 1.0d3d-800
;generation 1084
;assert CORESIZE==800 < 730 , > 694
mov.b { 332 , { 264
mov.i { 335 , } 600
mov.i < 472 , { 744
spl.ab # 226 , } 2
mov.i < 4 , { 3
mov.i > 272 , } -2
mov.i } 728 , { 0
djn.i $ 208 , < 665
end 0
;species 01_17
;wins 4
;score 150

Opponent Scores Results Performance of
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Tiny Wicked 1470 1395 445 420 135 *******************
Tiny AK-47 1496 1379 457 418 125 *******************
Tiny Barbarian 1226 1163 205 184 611 ****************
Tiny Brutality 2449 364 754 59 187 ********************************
Tiny Everclear 1601 1220 474 347 179 *********************
Golden Gate v4 2366 545 759 152 89 *******************************
Tiny Porter 1708 1180 532 356 112 **********************
Tiny Spiral 1684 688 352 20 628 **********************
Tiny Tiberius 1392 1371 385 378 237 ******************
D-Clear 2440 475 785 130 85 ********************************
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Adjusted Score: 178.3

Opponent Scores Results Performance of
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Betadine 1131 1734 332 533 135 ***************
Wilt ;) 1203 1530 312 421 267 ****************
Unknown 1435 1162 344 253 403 *******************
Ugly Uncle 1558 1258 458 358 184 ********************
Tiny Zooom... 1157 1721 345 533 122 ***************
Table Scan 903 1917 241 579 180 ************
Tinyshot 1207 1672 362 517 121 ****************
tiny Blowrag 1143 1254 180 217 603 ***************
Tiny BiShot 2.0 923 1919 255 587 158 ************
Digital Swarm 1176 1218 190 204 606 ***************
Son of Darkness 1072 1336 160 248 592 **************
Snowstorm 1290 1173 251 212 537 *****************
Sneaky Spike 1369 1498 412 455 133 ******************
Seek and Destro 1143 1689 325 507 168 ***************
Provenance 1020 1863 301 582 117 *************
Potenza 1378 1312 356 334 310 ******************
Origin of Storm 1067 1814 316 565 119 **************
Muskrat 1900 1009 603 306 91 *************************
livewire voodoo 1258 1117 211 164 625 ****************
Hellish Glare 1353 1518 408 463 129 ******************
Lone Gunman 1449 1362 420 391 189 *******************
Where's Giles? 1241 1061 181 121 698 ****************
Diamondette 1923 774 540 157 303 ************************* 1163 1634 320 477 203 ***************
Four Winds 1058 1772 296 534 170 **************
--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=---------=---------=---------=
Adjusted Score: 126

Not too bad but I don't think I've found the optimum parameters yet.

This is one of the warriors I started with, evolved with rounds set to 30 initially then increased to 50...

;author Terry Newton
;strategy Evolved by RedMixer 1.0d3b-800
;generation 931
;assert 1
mov.i * 458 , < 178
mov.i { 25 , } 601 > 660 , < 440
mov.ab { 470 , { 380
spl.ab # 223 , } 2
mov.i < 4 , { 3
mov.i > 272 , } -2
mov.i $ 773 , { 0
djn.x $ 208 , { 704
end 1
;species 09_19
;wins 3
;score 164

Scores 172.3 with the Franz test set, 114.7 with the tinybm04 test set. Here's another one used for the re-evolving experiment that scores 119.8 against the tinybm04 test set and 162.8 against the Franz set...

;author Terry Newton
;strategy Evolved by RedMixer 1.0d3b-800
;generation 1043
;assert 1
mov.i { 95 , } 600
mov.i > 510 , { 535
spl.b # 452 , } 0
mov.i < 4 , { 3
mov.i > 39 , } -2
mov.i { 763 , { 352
djn.i $ 208 , < 95
end 0
;species 02_01

Probably the biggest "problem" I'm having with RedMixer is it is a manually-driven program with no automated data-collecting features - I have to stop it when I think it's about time then manually run the test program and gather the data. Not that this is really a flaw as an evolver (wasn't part of the plan when I wrote it) and it works fine if I just run it and mostly leave it alone other than occasionally checking, but makes it difficult to use for gathering scientific data - score increase over time, comparing various settings, etc. Contemplating how to go about adding a "statistics" mod. For best results and to avoid missing a rare strong specimen the entire soup needs to be benchmarked but this takes a long time, usually an hour or two depending on benchmark rounds. Fewer rounds is faster but not as accurate so the top-scoring warriors need to be tested at higher rounds (typically 1000) for valid results. Another approach might be to occasionally benchmark just a small random sampling, which would probably work as far as catching strong code but wouldn't produce scientifically accurate results. In addition, the entire soup needs to be periodically archived to permit further study afterwards. Thinking about how best to do all this without impacting the program too much, preferably using a copy/paste kind of mod. Subject to change (or not doing at all) but thinking along the lines of settings for testinterval, testpercent, savedir, savescore [or maybe just save the top few], archivedir, archiveprog and the archiver better not require too much memory. Separate paths for the archives and saved warriors permit them to be saved to the hard disk to avoid using up ramdisk space using some kind of auto-numbering scheme. Just a thought.

3/3/09 - This is fun if into this sort of stuff... this ANSI Movie Mod for RedMixer adds code that appends an ANSI "frame" to a file at specified intervals, when the file is played back in an ANSI viewer (or in Linux or Cygwin displayed using the cat command) it produces an animation of soup progress. The mod file includes a simple QBasic ANSI viewer. Unlike earlier REBS experiments which wrote everything to the file, writing frames at intervals results in much smaller files and it didn't take much effort to make a program that can play the file back with adjustable delay between frames. For now the mod only records the soup display, practically identical to the output of DUMPSOUP.BAS only appends. Perhaps in the future other information can be included but for now I just want to see what happened while I'm away, or just enjoy watching the creatures do their thing.

3/2/09 - I've been fooling around with trying to evolve coresize 800 warriors (having almost given up on coresize 8000). Here's a coresize 800 INI I've been experimenting with, the 3/2/09 version is much better... at least it makes some replicators instead of all bombers like the 3/1/09 settings file did.

Here are a couple of "one-off" programs I've been using to help document RedMixer runs...

SCOREANA.BAS - takes a TEST scorefile of a RedMixer soup and reports average score, maximum score and by which warrior(s), and plots an ascii chart of the soup showing where the strong warriors are located.

SOUPANA.BAS - reads all warriors in a RedMixer soup and reports min/avg/max generation, min/avg/max size, how many warriors have score data (having won at least one battle) and of those reports the average wins and the warrior(s) with the max wins, and average accumulated score and the warrior(s) with the max accumulated score (the usefulness of this data is dubious, often only indicates warriors surrounded by weak warriors), and outputs an ascii chart of the warrior sizes.

DUMPSOUP.BAS - writes an "ansi" file with a representation of a RedMixer soup colored by species. The colors are different but close enough to (usually) show where the species boundaries are. Ansi files can be viewed in Linux using the "cat" command, or by a dos "type" command if the dos can support ansi.sys and it's installed. Multiple frames can be appended together (i.e. cat file1.ans file2.ans etc > file.ans) to make an animated "movie" of an evolving run. For Windows perhaps an ANSI viewer can be found, or use cat under Cygwin. [Note... until more error checking is added to account for non-existent warriors, dumpsoup.bas is restricted to dumping complete soups only, such code can be found in the "Movie Mod" file which also has an ANSI viewer which can be used under Windows/QBasic to view ANSI files produced by these techniques.] [Another note... WinXP can view ANSI directly without using external software... see 3/15/09 entry]

2/27/09 - RedMixer package updated. Still 1.0d, no changes to the program itself (I like it!) but reworked the readme.txt to include more scripts and platform-specific usage information, and for Windows users named the run batch to a more descriptive Run_RedMixer.bat and added a Stop_RedMixer batch.

I did some more tests under Windows and it seems it is mainly the dos DJGPP builds that cause control-C grief under Windows, the SDL pmars-server version might be a bit slow to respond to control-C when cranking but no weird bugs occur, no need to panic just use the right software. If running RedMixer under Windows use the SDL versions of pmars/pmarsv, they're pretty much the only binaries that do work well under Windows. I now rate my DJGPP dos builds only for dos (or rather DosEmu/FreeDos which is their intended purpose), they work under Windows but the darn the break bugs. I did some timed benchmark tests under both DosEmu/FreeDos and Windows XP and found the speed differences were not as great as it seemed - at 500 rounds benchmarking the same warrior, in DosEmu using the pm092-O3.exe dos binary it took 31 seconds, shelling to Linux to run the pmars92N1 binary took 28 seconds and the old dos 0.8.0 binary took 39 seconds. Under Windows XP using the SDL pmars-server binary the same test took 27 seconds and the pm092-O3 binary took 29 seconds. Windows XP runs QBasic much faster than DosEmu so at very small round numbers or at the start of evolution it really flies giving the illusion it's about 5x faster but once the warriors start spending much more time in pmars than in the evolver the speeds mostly even out. Another possible factor was under Windows the dos binary likely has less startup time (no switching out of the dos emu) than the Windows-specific version, making it seem speedier but not once pmars has to actually do work.

2/26/09 - Here is my patched version of pmars 0.9.2 with the continuation fix. Includes binaries for Linux/x86 pmars and pmarsv, and a couple of DJGPP-compiled pmars server binaries for dos (one is speed-optimized, the -O3 version seems faster on my systems but this might not be the case with all systems depending on the processor cache etc). These binaries are mainly to use with RedMixer running under DosEmu/FreeDos running under Linux. For Windows there are probably [no, are] better Windows-specific binaries that can be used (even if a few test set warriors need to be edited to avoid the continuation "feature") but even if a bit on the unstable side the new binaries seem faster than what I was using [but it was an illusion... blathering removed].

I ran into an issue using the old dos pmarsv.exe from RedMixer when running interpreted in QBasic.exe - not enough memory to run coresize 8000 warriors (only works for nanos). At least I think it's lack of dos memory causing the problem. The compiled redmixer.exe version runs pmarsv.exe just fine with coresize 8000 but only supports a 25 by 80 "dos window". Essentially this means pmarsv50.bat for running pmarsv when using a 50-line screen is only useful for nano warriors, haven't tested with tiny warriors yet. For Windows this isn't an issue at all, just use the SDL version and set pmarsv to pmarsw.exe which doesn't care what the dos window size is as it runs in its own window. Every non-SDL version of pmarsv.exe I tried under Windows goes to full-screen mode when used, if used with a 50-line display from pmarsv50.bat messes up the RedMixer display until popped back into a window (alt-enter). And then there are out of environment space issues requiring editing Windows' config.nt file (or specifying command /e:4096 /c pmarsv50.bat for the pmarsv setting). Too much trouble when the SDL version works great. For my Ubuntu DosEmu/FreeDos setup I solved the problem by adding scripts to run my new Linux version of pmarsv instead, like running the Linux pmars from RedMixer it's a hack but once set up and going works ok, I only need it for my "big 8K" setup, a 46 by 77 soup of coresize 8000 warriors. Details are explained in the red8kbig.ini file I'm presently experimenting with. The evolution parameters are not optimized, neither are they for the other 8K ini's yet - evolving for coresize 8000 is hard!

2/23/09 - A few things. I've been benchmark nanos using TEST set to 250 to 500 rounds fixed when sweeping my soups to find strong warriors, for about 1500 warriors and a fairly large test set this takes a fair amount of time but not too bad, maybe an hour or two. Once a report has been generated I choose the top 10 or 20 then subject them to further tests using TESTALL.BAT with TESTASET.BAT set to 1000 rounds to generate a "warrior report", typically using the nanobm07 test set, the koen090112 set presently included with, and a composite test set combining them and samples of my nano warriors to try to simulate the SAL nano hill. These tests only take a couple minutes each as there aren't that many picks to test. Turns out reasonably accurate results can be had by running only 142 battles using the -P option instead of -f but it only works with pmars version 0.9.2. Ok so I drag out DJGPP and make me a dos version of pmars 0.9.2 and almost immediately discover that it turned in incorrect scores for coresize-8000 warriors - thought I had unusually strong warriors but upon further investigation discovered 3 out of 24 warriors in the Wilkies and Wilmoo test sets didn't execute correctly. To make a long story short eventually discovered that around version 0.8.6 a change was made to make pmars treat "\" at the end of a line as a continuation mark - breaking warriors that uses "\" and "/" in the comments to point out blocks of code. So fixed that with a modification to the asm.c file. The makefile I used was modified to replace some whitespace with tabs to make it work, set to make a "server" version and use -O3 optimization to make it go as fast as possible in my DosEmu environment. Overall the new binary is better, seems a lot faster but doesn't respond to control-C as well as the pmars.exe from (from, have to press control-C a few times to get my evolver to stop. Worse on my Eee PC so for now sticking with the old 0.8.0 dos version which on that platform is plenty fast enough for evolving nano warriors. For my Ubuntu system I've mostly switched to the new version where I'm evolving warriors for coresize 8000 and need all the speed I can get, plus that's where I do most of my analysis and can use the -P option in TESTALL.BAT. Using -P in TEST will take modifying the program itself as it provides no access to the command line, a pending change as that would give me faster and more accurate soup sweeps.

I've been trying to evolve coresize-8000 warriors using RedMixer, so far the best I've gotten were "RepliBomber" things that scored up to about 90 with the Wilkies test set and 70 or so against the Wilmoo test set. Weak but somewhat better than I usually get from simple evolvers. I ran the soup for some time but never got anything over the low '90's on the Wilkies scale. So trying something else. Wrote a redcode analyser (warning it's crude and rude) that reports the number of instructions, modifiers, address modes and data mixes in both the A and B fields. I used CONVRC.BAT (and a similar adaptation for nano warriors) to convert the warriors to "load" format, otherwise labels would make the number counts useless. One problem was some warriors had huge sequences of DAT 0,0 lines which an evolver would not likely generate so ignored these in the counts. The analyser gave me nano stats and standard stats based on the benchmark code that I used to make a new INI file for evolving coresize-8000 warriors [latest adjustments here]. The INI also includes a deeply convulted hack for running my native Linux pmars to try to get more speed, but the new dos 0.9.2 binary I made is just as fast or faster so that was mostly useless other than showing how it can be done, at least until I make a super-optimized Linux version of pmars. I need to make new Linux binaries anyway, my pmarsv is broken in that it won't let me break into the debugger and need to apply the "\" mod to both pmars and pmarsv.

Oh, and removed the Evolver Design page... everyone's got there own ideas about how it should be done and I think my theories are sufficiently documented elsewhere (like the program code itself). Plus it's a moving target. The grid-like structure I use does help keep the soup from going stale, I'm pretty sure now crossover has some benefits (but still unsure if from higher mutation and more broken code or from the blending of code), and weighting the instructions and other items is very helpful. But nano warriors are easy to evolve, trying to evolve for coresize 8000 is a much more difficult task. I'm starting to think that to evolve stronger standard warriors it's going to take more than blind weighting, will see how the current experiment goes but thinking along the lines of weighting the modifiers, modes and data for each instruction, and weighting the instructions on the previous instructions to attempt to build code that more resembles human-written code. Similar tactics have been and are being used with good results but it takes a lot of code and often multiple computers to pull it off - so the task is to simplify! eliminate the complicated aspects as much as possible but such a thing is probably beyond the framework of the RedMixer program... the INI would be huge as separate data would have to be specified for each instruction, including a weighted instruction set for the following instruction. I probably won't have time to do all that anytime soon but maybe the idea can be useful for other evolver-makers.

2/20/09 - So far so good with 1.0d but the default 5 percent specieschanges setting probably needs increasing for non-nano warriors, trying 10 for somewhat bigger islands of "similar" species with my coresize 8000 experiment. Updated the posted readme.txt to include more/better coresize 8000 information, will add to the zip at some point. The current zip instructions for coresize 800/8000 forgot DJN [updated readme posted but not in the zip yet], but just as well as often one-line DJN streams take over the soup and hinder the development of more sophisticated strategies - for coresize 8000 warriors I recommend leaving out the DJN instruction until the soup develops then add it to the list.

2/19/09 - Updated to RedMixer version 1.0d with a new specieschanges setting which sets the percentage of instructions that can be different and still consider the offspring warrior to be of the same species. The default is 5(%), so with nano warriors if any instruction changes it's a new species but with a 80-line warrior up to 4 instructions can be different and still count as the same species. Fixed up a few other things like not covering up the results with a "press any key" when battling warriors, added C and S indicators to show when crossover and species changes occur, and modified so it actually checks to see if a different instruction was actually selected before counting as a change - previously it counted if it picked the same instruction again (this changes the behavior slightly from previous versions - hopefully the fix doesn't hurt anything... sometimes errors can have unexpected beneficial results).

The coresize 8000 soup is coming along, up to around generation 350 and full of paper-like warriors. Changed to use cross by species method now that it is more likely to work (was crossing by size), there are a lot more warriors of the same species to cross with now that the species change rules have been loosened.

2/16/09 - the 77x46 soup of nanos didn't work out, scores never got any better than the high 130's, not competition-strength. Oh well that happens, had set initial minimum size to 3 but perhaps the default of 1 is better. Started a new soup on my 701SD using the default settings. The 8000 soup is getting stronger, full of paper/bomber things that get Wilkies scores up into the 90's, nowhere near what would be considered strong but a bit stronger than what I typically see from evolvers.

2/15/09 [edited 2/16/09] - Version 1.0c has a fixed pmarsv50.bat file that doesn't leave a null file (used to Linux, in Dos it's nul not null), fixed yet another validate bug in RedMixer and added new options to permit crossing by size (works better with coresize 8000) and control how the species tags are selected.

I'm currently running two experiments... my Eee PC 701SD is busy churning away at a 77x46 soup of nano warriors and after running overnight is up to the 100-150 generation point with bench scores in the 130-140 range. By SPL MOV MOV MOV MOV code, this soup seems to be developing something besides SPL MOV MOV MOV DJN. On my Ubuntu system I've been evolving a 77x21 soup of standard warriors for coresize 8000, after a few overnight runs it's up to generation 150-220 with warriors scoring in the 60's and 70's against the Wilkies test set. Not going so well but they generate cool fireworks in pmarsv. To speed up initial evolution I had rounds set to 5 random but last night increased to 10 doublefixed. Color by species just makes a messy display as there essentially are no islands of species, most warriors are mutated enough to count (by my methods) as a new species and merely take on the color of the soup position but there are still enough like species to trigger crossover about 10-20% of the mutations. Probably mostly "headless chicken crossover" where the selected cross partner isn't actually similar code but merely has the same tag. Since the species tags are just the soup position where the mutation occured if a warrior reproduces without base instruction change then gets replaced by a warrior with a different sequence then if the previous offspring reproduces it might select the warrior with a different sequence as it carries the same tag. This isn't as bad as it sounds since most of the soup is now decended from the same original random warrior and kind of sort of already similar so there's a chance the cross will work anyway, just makes for a useless soup display when colored by species. Coloring by size or origin (at least until totally saturated with one origin) provides a somewhat more useful display.

When I tried to color by size in the INI discovered another bug (wouldn't let me) so while fixing that I implemented some new options. The default is just like it was, but added a new value to crossmode to pick the crossover partner by size (I noticed islands of warriors of the same size were developing in the coresize 8000 experiment, perhaps that's a reasonable parameter to indicate similar code) and added an option to pick random numbers for the species tag rather than the warrior's name based on soup position (still the default). If randomspecies is set to yes then the randomtagrange setting sets the MOD for each field in the tag to control how much error is likely, thus controlling how much "headless" stuff occurs. The number of possible tags is randomtagrange squared (since there are two fields), the default is 20 giving 400 possible tags. This helps the soup display for the coresize 8000 experiment but color by size still gives more info. I'm getting islands of warriors that are the same size but not of the same species, so changed crossmode to 3 to pick partners by size. Note... the INI format changed (now v1.0c) so beware if using previous INI files - should be compatible except the "any" crossmode is now number 4.

2/14/09 - and I thought I was done :-) The main reasons for the [1.0b] update was to speed up the soup display when using the user interface - discovered that my FirstBASIC compiler doesn't support large screens so to run a "big" 77x46 soup I had to run the program interpreted in QBasic and under DosEmu screen updates were taking about 9 seconds every time I listed a warrior or anything, so fixed it so the first time it records stuff to an array then reads the array to refresh the soup display rather than rescanning roughly 3000 warriors. Now it only takes a couple of seconds, much better. On Windows the refresh is almost instant (but even the original code only took a second or so). While in the code I cleaned up a few other things like fixing the built-in warrior/benchmark file viewer so it displays more lines if a bigger soup display is enabled (goes by the ysize setting). The other reason for the update was to update the readme.txt and include a batch file for running - after updating my WinXP system to SP3 and the latest updates I was greeted by a horrible flickering display when RedMixer was evolving, was working fine but the update messed up the "dos" window making it react badly to the changing display. Fortunately all it took was mode con lines=25 in a batch file to fix, whew! Sometimes modern stuff hates my old stuff - if they made modern stuff that works as well as old stuff then maybe I'd use it, but a BASIC compiler that can't shell more than a few dozen times just won't cut it and I'll be damned if I inflict my readers with code for a compiler that doesn't have bounds checking... sometimes I make mistakes and a mistake in C can crash the system. Not to mention having to spend weeks writing a program instead of a few days. QBasic is relatively safe and easy...

Ran into another issue... when running in 50 line mode the version of pmarsv.exe I use resets the text mode to 25 lines when it exits, and if set for text mode doesn't work at all unless in 25 line mode. The zip now includes pmarsv50.bat to fix that. This isn't an issue when using the SDL "pmarsw" version under Windows.

[outdated notes removed, initial code posted 2/11/09, user interface and zip package added 2/12/09]

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