A "document" by Terry Newton, April 7, 2009
A simulated environment is constructed in which warrior programs for
the game of Core War compete with neighboring programs on a grid,
replacing the losing members with mutated copies of the winning
members. Initially the programs are randomly generated and usually
non-functional but over time natural selection favors changes which
produce programs which are able to outwit their opponents, thus
simulating the process of evolution and demonstrating how “intelligent
creatures” can arise from simple beginnings. The grid structure
simulates a world where many species of warrior programs co-exist and
develop competing strategies, just as in nature eventually the world
becomes filled with creatures mostly or completely descended from a
single initial form yet the members diversify and become composed of
significantly different program code. When a mutated program is
significantly different from its parent program it is given a new
species label, which can be used to color the display and visually
track the rise and fall of individual species of warrior programs.
Further information:
I'm calling this a "document" because at 47 pages it's a bit more
than a typical paper and it doesn't use traditional academic-style
cross-referencing. The first half is structured mostly like a paper
and presents an overview of the process, documents three runs of using RedMixer
to evolve "tiny" warriors for coresize 800 with some conclusions, and
ends with a resources page with links to related material. The second
half of the document provides a detailed analysis of the RedMixer
program code (hopefully useful for other makers of file-based evolvers)
and a listing of the actual code, making it mostly a standalone work
requiring only QBasic and pmars to replicate similar experiments. If
running the program it's best to get the regular RedMixer zip package
(which includes a compiled version and more documentation) but if
necessary the program code can be extracted from the document itself.
Download the cwevol.pdf document (1.4 megs)
11/12/09 [edited 11/18/09] - The RedMixer evolver used for the
experiments in the
document was written in QBasic which requires a dos-friendly OS (such
as Windows XP or DosEmu/FreeDos running under Linux) and stores each
warrior in individual files which increases disk activity (thus almost
requiring a ram disk). The program was modified to permit compiling
with FreeBasic for better Windows compatibility and to allow running
natively under Linux but this doesn't help reduce file system usage.
Recently a couple of new evolvers were written (John Metcalf's TEV
and Christian Schmidt's Maezumo)
that use a more disk-friendly technique - keep the warriors in an array
and write only the warriors doing battle. The temporary filenames are
constant so disk head movement should be minimal to none, and the files
remain mostly in the disk cache on modern systems, updating only a few
temp files every few seconds. While I still recommend always using a
ram disk for file-based evolving, at least with this new system it is
less of a requirement than when 1500+ files are being written to.
Other nice advantage of evolving using an array is it permits
non-linear mutations such as swapping redcode lines, and in general
makes mutations easier since they only have to alter array numbers
rather than strings within lines of redcode.
With these newly learned techniques I re-implemented the main
concepts used in RedMixer to make MEVO, a
multi-threaded evolver that can take advantage of multi-CPU machines by
launching several copies of pmars at once. MEVO's look and parameters
are similar to RedMixer but there are a few differences - it
doesn't use separate settings for the A and B fields, it does not
evolve the end number (warriors start at the first instruction), the
settings are minimal and use only "attraction" mode (selecting mates
with the most wins), it has automatic benchmarking and saving of
better-scoring warriors and can re-insert past warriors back into the
soup (valhalla), and it generates a log of the benchmark results which
be plotted graphically to indicate performance over time. MEVO is able
to generate
that place well on the nano hill and readily generates "paper" warriors
for larger core sizes although these warriors aren't competitive with
strong hand-coded warriors - human cleverness
gains the edge as the search space becomes larger. MEVO's performance
is mostly equivalent to RedMixer but so far top scores for larger core
sizes are not quite as high, probably due to some of the omitted
parameters. This could be the subject of further research.
4/12/09 - Evaluating evolver performance (take 2.5). On the nano
hills (coresize 80, maximum of 5 instructions) evolved warriors do
quite well, capturing top slots on the SAL Nano Hill
and with several examples placing near the tops of the Koenigstuhl
Hill and the Corewar Infinite Nano Hill.
As coresize (and the search space) increases the performance of evolved
warriors drop dramatically. Some evolved warriors are present on the SAL Tiny Hill,
being a closed-source hill it's hard to tell how many are evolved but
it's a fairly tough hill to crack (had to use an old evolved rock:-).
Presently by my count there are 11 evolved warriors in the top 100
slots (about the top third) of the Koenigstuhl Tiny Hill
(coresize 800, maximum of 20 instructions) representing several
evolvers. Performance of evolved warriors on coresize 8000 hills is
mostly dismal, by my count there is only one non-tweaked evolved
warrior present in the top third of the Koenigstuhl 94-Draft
Hill with only 4 evolved examples in the top two-thirds of the hill
(the top 755 slots out of 1133 entries total). These linked text files
summarize the performance of the top 20 evolved warriors (again by my
count) for coresize 800 and coresize 8000 presently
inhabiting the Koenigstuhl hills.
So what does it all mean? Well that depends on what aspect is being
analysed. In an overall sense it shows that at least for smaller core
sizes evolved warriors can outwit a fairly large fraction of hand-coded
warriors. However, the strongest evolving programs such as CCAI and
MicroGP impart human knowledge to the code they are evolving. This
is fine for playing the hills, it's core "war" after all... pretty much
anything goes, even changing minor
bits of other warriors to improve performance is often acceptable (if
it worsens performance it's just embarrasing). CCAI and MicroGP are
quite impressive, but
one of the reasons they're so strong is they partially specify what the
instruction sequences should be based on the analysis of code found in
warriors. To me anyway, it is more
satisfying when reasonably strong warriors can be produced using
simpler techniques that do not involve contact with human-written code
(except of course for testing the output), even if the results aren't
as strong as the
warriors produced by the super-evolvers. Not to mention being
approachable by a simple-minded programmer such as myself. I consider
evolvers such as
RedRace, YACE, RedMixer, REBS, RedMaker, Fizzle, Sys4 and one of the
first evolvers, GA_WAR, as closer to being demonstrations of the
principles of evolution and natural selection but this may be my own
personal bias. There really isn't a
"best" when it comes to corewar evolvers, each are tools that in the
right hands can produce viable results even if tweaks have to be done
to the code... one of the strongest evolvers - RedRace - is decended
from GA_WAR which is weak by today's standards but was like magic when
I first encountered it.
Perhaps the most satisfying way to play the evolving game is to
write one's own evolver, hopefully my document gives hints about how to
approach the problem, or at least one way to do it. A few more hints...
Make changes throughout the warrior based on random chance(s), so
that there's a chance multiple things might be changed and also a
chance that nothing at all is changed. For example, when inserting or
deleting a line it helps if there's a chance some of the numbers might
get incremented or decremented to preserve function. When a strong form
does arise, it helps if there's a chance it might replicate as-is so
that the form is not erased with the next generation (but if the change
chance is too low the soup just fills with copies of the same code).
It's best to have variables for the chances of various changes so
workable settings can be found without having to redo the code.
All that's needed to drive evolution is battle scores and
propagating the higher-scoring code (replacing the lower-scoring code)
while making random changes. In the event of a tie just pick one using
whatever means desired (RedMixer simply considers the first warrior the
winner if the scores are the same). If the basics don't work then
something is wrong and adding crossover or other esoteric techniques
probably won't help, consider putting enable switches on the fancy
features so their effectiveness can be evaluated, quite often
complexity makes it worse.
The evaluation process shouldn't be too strict as often it takes
several changes to transform a warrior form into a stronger form, often
with an intermediate weak phase. Grid-based evolvers side-step this to
a degree by permitting strong and weak code to coexist and by using a
random selection scheme that's just as likely to battle a warrior
against a weaker opponent than a stronger one, giving even weak code a
chance to mutate into something stronger. Experiments show that the
number of battle rounds makes a difference, lower rounds provides a
certain chance that the evaluation might be "wrong" and let the weaker
warrior survive, and when the rounds is set too high in the early
stages of evolution there is a tendency for the initial stone-like
warriors to not transform themselves into replicators. In advanced
stages of evolution better selection (and higher scores) might be
achieved by using a higher number of battle rounds. More study is
needed to study this effect. The grid topology is just one method of
avoiding early stagnation, there are other ways but perhaps avoid very
strict evaluation methods like benchmarking every warrior then deleting
all warriors that score below a certain number.
4/9/09 - I set up a few informal off-line hills
to help study the behavior of evolved warriors and the mixing of
evolved and hand-coded warriors. The size 800 and size 8000
evolved-only hills have each been been seeded with the 20 strongest
published evolved warriors from the Koenigstuhl hills, and I put what I
want on the mixed size 8000 hill. Some interesting results... despite
having a strong Wilkies score, Machines Will Rule got 3rd place behind
a couple RedRace warriors. On the size 800 evolved-only hill White
Noise takes top spot, that's no surprise but 084 which I had considered
fairly strong placed dead last, wasn't expecting that but makes sense
considering of all the evolved papers. [4/13/09 - the mixed hill is a
work in progress... the idea is to not permit hand-coded warriors with
a Wilkies score greater than the highest-scoring evolved warrior on the
hill. This sounds like an unfair advantage but isn't, it's perfectly
possible for the warrior in the top slot to have a relatively low or
even the lowest benchmark score, it all depends on the mix of warriors
on the hill. The score rule does however keep the mixed hill on a
"beginner" level and ensures at least some mixing of evolved and
hand-coded warriors.]
4/7/09 - The first draft was pretty good but contained a few minor
issues. The following changes were made...
Corrected a few grammatical errors and missing words.
Added a brief definition for the term "soup" (the collection of
Added a clarification that usually the soup fills with warriors that
use the same overall strategy, rather than refering to new stronger
species as "competing strategies" (which as usually defined in broad
core war terms is rare but occasionally happens), the phrase "competing
forms" is used instead. A single overall strategy can be optimized and
recoded by evolution in a variety of ways to form warriors able to
prevail over the existing soup members.
Cleaned up the performance charts by removing the truncated portions of
the benchmark warrior names.
3/26/09 - Initial release.