:: settings for modified testall.bat :: set to benchmark directory... set test=D:\CWSTUFF\WILKIES :: set test=D:\CWSTUFF\WILMOO :: set test=D:\CWSTUFF\8000BM :: set test=D:\CWSTUFF\TINY :: set test=D:\CWSTUFF\TINYBM04 :: set test=D:\CWSTUFF\EH040815 :: set test=D:\CWSTUFF\NANOB2 :: set test=D:\CWSTUFF\NANOB5 :: set test=D:\CWSTUFF\NANOBM07 :: set to rounds... set rnds=250 :: pmars command line... (for coresize=8000, fixed sequence) set pmars=pmars -b -l 100 -d 100 -s 8000 -p 8000 -c 80000 -r %rnds% -f :: pmars command line... (for coresize=800, fixed sequence) :: set pmars=pmars -b -l 20 -d 20 -s 800 -p 800 -c 8000 -r %rnds% -f :: pmars command line... (for coresize=80, fixed sequence) :: set pmars=pmars -b -l 5 -d 5 -s 80 -p 80 -c 800 -r %rnds% -f :: name of report file... set report=report.txt