REM this program takes a multiple-warrior report produced REM by TESTALL.BAT etc and extracts score ratio information REM outputs file with a line for each warrior in the report REM containing warrior name, bench score, points ratio, wins REM points ration = sum of warrior points / sum of bench points LINE INPUT "TESTALL report file: "; testfile$ testfile$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(testfile$)): IF testfile$ = "" THEN SYSTEM LINE INPUT "Output score ratio file: "; outfile$ outfile$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(outfile$)): IF outfile$ = "" THEN SYSTEM ON ERROR GOTO nofile GOTO start nofile: CLOSE : PRINT "Error": SYSTEM start: OPEN testfile$ FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN outfile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 inchart = 0 'indicates when in a warrior performance chart WHILE NOT EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1, a$ IF LEFT$(a$, 34) = "Opponent Scores Results " THEN warrior$ = LEFT$(MID$(a$ + " ", 54), 20) END IF IF LEFT$(a$, 48) = "--------------- --------- ----------- ---------=" THEN IF inchart = 0 THEN inchart = 1: warriortotal = 0: opponenttotal = 0: nwars = 0: nwins = 0 ELSE inchart = 0 END IF ELSE IF inchart THEN warriorscore = VAL(MID$(a$, 17, 4)) opponentscore = VAL(MID$(a$, 22, 4)) warriortotal = warriortotal + warriorscore opponenttotal = opponenttotal + opponentscore nwars = nwars + 1 IF warriorscore > opponentscore THEN nwins = nwins + 1 END IF END IF IF LEFT$(a$, 16) = "Adjusted Score: " THEN warriorscore$ = " " + LEFT$(MID$(a$, 17) + " ", 7) IF opponenttotal > 0 THEN scoreratio = warriortotal / opponenttotal ratio$ = LEFT$(STR$(scoreratio) + " ", 10) ELSE ratio$ = " Infinite " END IF PRINT #2, warrior$; warriorscore$; ratio$; PRINT #2, " Won"; nwins; "out of"; nwars; "battles" END IF WEND CLOSE SYSTEM