The following links are text content from the zip files and
".txt" extensions have been added for proper display.
(oot) means out-of-tree link for stuff posted elsewhere.
docs for the core HP-IPL/OS words (oot)
describes how to build a HP-IPL/OS system (oot)
"changes.txt" describes changes over
short descriptions of
most words and other docs
"ipl_notes.txt" short descriptions of
IPL packages in the zip, other IPL code
"buildinfo.txt" information about
current main builds
"ide_buildinfo.txt" info about
the current IDE builds
"hpos_disk.txt" (outdated) documents
ops and development of XDOS
"hpasm.txt" (outdated) describes using
"utils.txt" from the PC utilities package
"1dca.ipl.txt" one-dimensional
cellular automata generator
"7900.ipl.txt" 7900 disk driver
"7906.ipl.txt" 7906 disk driver
"8kextra.ipl.txt" common words for
8KW build
"a2l.ipl.txt" (outdated) utilities for
alt.mem. to/from a library file (req's lib2)
"altutil.ipl.txt" DMS words for
loading and saving ABS files
"baci.ipl.txt" BACI serial port driver
"basconv.ipl.txt" converts text
attached to PTR to PRINT code for BASIC
"bigshift.ipl.txt" words for
shifting 32-bit values
"binpatch.ipl.txt" a utility for
altering device I/O addresses in binary code
"bkfile.ipl.txt" saves/restores
encoded files to/from the console (req's conalt)
"bugs.ipl.txt" 2 bugs randomly
traversing the screen
"capslock.ipl.txt" allows typing
commands in lower-case, apps see UC input
"cfge.ipl.txt" allows setting TTY/BACI
slot and default console from switches
"conalt.ipl.txt" dumps alt mem or
system to console, permits pasting back
"config.ipl.txt" allows changing
slot assignments and default
"congen.ipl.txt" dumps system in
memory to console as encoded text
"create.ipl.txt" assembles
machine-coded words
"csboot.ipl.txt" boots a CS80 disk
"cylons.ipl.txt" switch lights that
move back and forth
"debug.ipl.txt" allows
single-stepping IPL code with stack dump functions
"dhelp.ipl.txt" help screen for disk
"disk.ipl.txt" device-independent
interface to the actual disk driver
"dmenu.ipl.txt" a disk menu that can
run binaries and save basic programs
"dm2.ipl.txt" a disk menu for MSU BASIC
(req's altutils, fcam, msupatch, sham)
"dms.ipl.txt" Dynamic Mapping System
for accessing more than 32KW
"double.ipl.txt" 32-bit integer math
"ecal.ipl.txt" electronics calculator
(req's FP)
"edit.ipl.txt" line-based file
editor (req's disk/xdos/sfs)
"editold.ipl.txt" original (slow)
version of the SFS line editor
"extra.ipl.txt" common words for
16KW/32KW builds
"fcam.ipl.txt" utilities for saving
alt mem or disk binary as ABS (req's altutil)
"fed.ipl.txt" full-screen alt-mem
"array" text editor with disk load/save words
"fedutil.ipl.txt" utilities for
converting regular text to and from array format
"fixfst.ipl.txt" decodes (some)
files from FST (Interex) archives
"float.ipl.txt" core floating point
"floatext.ipl.txt" FP conversions
and extra functions
"games.ipl.txt" old "test" programs
"hp2645.ipl.txt" words for the
HP2645 terminal
"hpib.ipl.txt" HPIB driver
"hpscreen.ipl.txt" newer version
of screen.ipl that does HP terms too
"ide.ipl.txt" driver for Bob's IDE disk
"internal.ipl.txt" for altering
words included in the kernel
"ldenc.ipl.txt" loads encoded binary
text dumps from MS input (PTR)
"lib.ipl.txt" (outdated) an
experimental SFS
"library" system (slow)
"lib2.ipl.txt" (outdated) a still
SFS "library" system (but much faster)
Conway's Game of Life with cell editor and random mode
"log2abs.ipl.txt" converts encoded
binary text
dumps into ABS files
"magtape.ipl.txt" 7970 magtape
"maze.ipl.txt" a maze game
"mkbcs.ipl.txt" outputs a simh script
for making multi-module BCS projects
"mkcldr.ipl.txt" converts high mem
machine code into CREATE code
"mkhpasm.ipl.txt" converts IPL code
into assembly to insert into kernel source
"mkldr.ipl.txt" converts high mem
machine code into IPL code
"mkword.ipl.txt" mechanism for
defining multiword "programs" into one word
"ms2l.ipl.txt" (outdated) permits
copying IPL's
from MS to a library file (lib/lib2.ipl)
"msscan.ipl.txt" code for
scanning MS stream (modified version used in lib.ipl)
"msupatch.ipl.txt" utility for
patching 31KW MSU BASIC binaries
"mt2f.ipl.txt" a little utility that
copies magtape files to disk files
"mtbackup.ipl.txt" copies PTR to
magtape files, magtape files to PTP
"mtextra.ipl.txt" a simple magtape
operating system
"n_rocks.ipl.txt" demo program for
the XY display
"nolf.ipl.txt" makes HP-IPL/OS ignore
LF's (like when playing with BCS stuff)
"oct14.ipl.txt" Octapus-E for 8KW
"oct34.ipl.txt" Octapus-E for 16KW
"oct70.ipl.txt" Octapus-E for 32KW
"print.ipl.txt" printer driver, can
echo console I/O to a printer
"rcontrol.ipl.txt" (outdated) old
disk menu used for running TSB-E utilities
"screen.ipl.txt" ANSI screen commands
"sfs.ipl.txt" provides serial/random
access to named SFS disk files
"sfslib.ipl.txt" a new library
system for SFS, replaces lib2/a2l/ms2l
"sfsutils.ipl.txt" file copy/move
and other extras for SFS
"sham.ipl.txt" a utility for
dumping/restoring alt.mem. in octal and text
"siobcs.ipl.txt" words for operating
SIO/BCS tools stored as disk files
"sioutil.ipl.txt" permits
repatching of prepared 16K SIO driver
"smallconfig.ipl.txt" a basic
config that just does TTY PTR PTP TBG and 790x slots
"smallcre.ipl.txt" a smaller
machine-coded word creator
"tbg.ipl.txt" Time Base Generator driver
"tdos.ipl.txt" (outdated) "trivial"
disk operating system
"tutils.ipl.txt" (outdated) test
code for trivial dos
"tsbe.ipl.txt" words for patching and
running TSB-E
from HP-IPL/OS
"ttyscan.ipl.txt" crude keystroke
"version.ipl.txt" allows changing
version string displayed on startup
"xdos.ipl.txt" "example" disk
operating system (SFS format)
"xi79.ipl.txt" (outdated) alternate
SFS formatter
for 7900
import/export/recovery/SFS formatter for XDOS
base VDOS for accessing files using the VDRIVE interface (oot)
extra VDOS words for loading, copying, attaching, etc (oot)
words for using VDOS to operate vintage compiler tools (oot)
"7900ldr.hpa.txt" contents of
7900.ipl's binary load/run code
"7900_m.hpa.txt" old code that boots
a 7900 disk (edit for slots)
"7900_bd1.hpa.txt" code that boots
a 7900 drive 1 fixed platter (edit for slots)
"7900bext.asm.txt" boot extension
for 7900 disk - loads/runs binary from boot area
"7906ldr.hpa.txt" contents of
7906.ipl's binary load/run code
"7906bext.asm.txt" boot extension
for 7906 disk
contents of csboot.ipl, boots a CS-80 disk (edit for slots)
"dmsexit3.hpa.txt" used in
dms.ipl, swaps system to/from alternate memory
"hpiplos1.asm.txt" source code for
the HP-IPL/OS kernel
"ideboot.hpa.txt" code that boots
an IDE-interface disk
"ideldfb.hpa.txt" contents of
ide.ipl's binary load/run code
source for Octapus-D
(stand-alone - from partial typed-in listing)
"oct-e.asm.txt" source for Octapus-E
(requires HP-IPL/OS for I/O)
"octapus-c.txt" source and docs for
original Octapus-C
8052 asm source for IDE/VDRIVE adapter (oot)
8052 asm source to make the VDRIVE send the boot file (oot)
schematic of the IDE adapter (oot)
notes about the IDE/VDRIVE circuit (oot)
and "gcboot.gcb.txt"
source code for USB disk adapter (oot)
notes about the USB disk adapter firmware (oot)
and "usbadapter3_inputoutput.jpg"
schematics (oot)
notes about the hardware and VDOS builds (oot)
schematic for a simple serial PTR emulator (oot)
and "ptremu.dis.txt"
firmware for the PTR emulator (oot)