This is a simple console program for doing a few
electronics-specific calculations. Some of these are calculations
I have to do all the time but are tedious on a calculator, in
particular options 1, 3, 4 and 5. The others are occasionally
useful. For the most part I just guess when it comes to resistor
noise and how long it takes for a capacitor to charge, but the
formulas are obscure (particularly the capacitor charge equations)
and if not for this (or its predecessor isbas.htm) I would have to look it
up every time I needed something more accurate than guessing.
Option 7 was recently expanded to also include a calculator for
making air-core coils, used it to design a channel 3 notch filter
for a RF combiner box I
made to mix the signals from my cable box and antenna. Despite the
warning about possible inaccuracies it was quite close.
This program does not replace a regular calculator app (which I
almost always have open anyway) and it does not cover simple
calculations like ohm's law that would clutter up the program with
little real benefit.
Text documentation for the program.
Download package with binaries for
Linux and Windows.
Here's the Free Pascal
source code... (colorized using the Kate editor)
// Electronic Calculations - 1/18/2021 WTN // Compile using: fpc -XX -Sx ecalcs.pas // Copyright 2020-2021 by Terry Newton (WTN), All rights reserved. // Permission is granted to use any part of this code for any purpose, // with or without attribution, so long as such use does not infringe // on my rights or the rights of others to do the same. This code is // provided as-is and without warranty, use at your own risk. program ecalcs; uses sysutils,crt; // enter a capacitor value, defaults to farads // accepts u, uF, n, nF, p or pF (case insensitive) // return 0 if enter or can't convert function EnterC():double; var multval:double; var e:integer; var ins:string; begin multval:=1.0; readln(ins); ins:=trim(uppercase(ins)); if rightstr(ins,1)='F' then ins:=leftstr(ins,length(ins)-1); case rightstr(ins,1) of 'U': multval:=1.0E-6; 'N': multval:=1.0E-9; 'P': multval:=1.0E-12; end; if multval<0.9 then ins:=trim(leftstr(ins,length(ins)-1)); val(ins,EnterC,e); EnterC:=EnterC*multval; if e<>0 then EnterC:=0; end; // enter an inductance value, defaults to henries // accepts m, mH, u, uH, n, nH // return 0 if enter or can't convert function EnterL():double; var multval:double; var e:integer; var ins:string; begin multval:=1.0; readln(ins); ins:=trim(uppercase(ins)); if rightstr(ins,1)='H' then ins:=leftstr(ins,length(ins)-1); case rightstr(ins,1) of 'M': multval:=1.0E-3; 'U': multval:=1.0E-6; 'N': multval:=1.0E-9; end; if multval<0.9 then ins:=trim(leftstr(ins,length(ins)-1)); val(ins,EnterL,e); EnterL:=EnterL*multval; if e<>0 then EnterL:=0; end; // general number input for R F and V entries // recognizes K for 1000, M for million, G for billion // trailing V or H or HZ ignored if entered // also accepts trailing m? u? (ms us mV uV etc) for milli and micro // return 0 if enter or can't convert function EnterN():double; var e:integer; var ins,tempstr:string; var multval:double; begin multval:=1.0; readln(ins); ins:=trim(uppercase(ins)); tempstr:=rightstr(ins,2); case leftstr(tempstr,1) of 'M': multval:=1.0E-3; 'U': multval:=1.0E-6; end; if multval<0.9 then // remove MV/UV/MS/US now so won't mix up others ins:=trim(leftstr(ins,length(ins)-2)); if (rightstr(ins,1)='V') or (rightstr(ins,1)='H') then ins:=leftstr(ins,length(ins)-1); // ignore remaining trailing V or H if rightstr(ins,2)='HZ' then // or HZ ins:=leftstr(ins,length(ins)-2); case rightstr(ins,1) of // handle common multipliers 'K': multval:=1.0E3; 'M': multval:=1.0E6; 'G': multval:=1.0E9; end; if multval>1.1 then // remove suffix ins:=trim(leftstr(ins,length(ins)-1)); val(ins,EnterN,e); EnterN:=EnterN*multval; if e<>0 then EnterN:=0.0; end; // remove trailing zeros and leading spaces function tztrim(s:string):string; var p:integer; begin s:=trim(s); tztrim:=s; // remove leading spaces p:=pos('E',s); if p>0 then exit; //don't convert exp notation p:=pos('.',s); if p>0 then begin repeat if rightstr(tztrim,1)='0' then tztrim:=leftstr(tztrim,length(tztrim)-1); until rightstr(tztrim,1)<>'0'; end; if rightstr(tztrim,1)='.' then tztrim:=leftstr(tztrim,length(tztrim)-1); end; // return trimmed number string function Nstring(n:double):string; begin str(n,Nstring); // default to plain conversion if (n>-1.0E9) and (n<1.0E9) then begin if (n>=0.01) or (n<=-0.01) then begin str(n:9:6,Nstring); Nstring:=tztrim(Nstring); end else begin if (n>=1.0E-6) or (n<=-1.0E-6) then str(n:1:10,Nstring); Nstring:=tztrim(Nstring); end; end; end; // return string with R value function Rstring(R:double):string; begin Rstring:='error'; if R<0.0 then exit; if R<1.0E3 then begin str(R:6:6,Rstring); Rstring:=tztrim(Rstring)+' ohms'; end else begin if R<1.0E6 then begin R:=R/1.0E3; str(R:6:6,Rstring); Rstring:=tztrim(Rstring)+'K'; end else begin R:=R/1.0E6; str(R:9:6,Rstring); Rstring:=tztrim(Rstring)+'M'; end; end; end; // return string with C value function Cstring(C:double):string; begin Cstring:='error'; if C<0.0 then exit; if C<1.0E-9 then begin C:=C*1.0E12; str(C:6:6,Cstring); Cstring:=tztrim(Cstring)+'pF'; end else begin if C<1.0E-1 then begin C:=C*1.0E6; str(C:6:6,Cstring); Cstring:=tztrim(Cstring)+'uF'; end else begin str(C:9:6,Cstring); Cstring:=tztrim(Cstring)+'F'; end; end; end; // return string with L value function Lstring(L:double):string; begin Lstring:='error'; if L<0.0 then exit; if L<1.0E-6 then begin L:=L*1.0E9; str(L:6:6,Lstring); Lstring:=tztrim(Lstring)+'nH'; end else begin if L<1.0E-3 then begin L:=L*1.0E6; str(L:6:6,Lstring); Lstring:=tztrim(Lstring)+'uH'; end else begin if L<1.0 then begin L:=L*1000.0; str(L:6:6,Lstring); Lstring:=tztrim(Lstring)+'mH'; end else begin str(L:9:6,Lstring); Lstring:=tztrim(Lstring)+'H'; end; end; end; end; // return string with frequency value function Fstring(F:double):string; begin Fstring:='error'; if F<0.0 then exit; str(F,Fstring); //default convert if (F>=0.001) and (F<1.0E15) then begin //only convert sensible values if F<1.0E4 then begin str(F:6:6,Fstring); Fstring:=tztrim(Fstring)+' hertz'; end else begin if F<1.0E6 then begin F:=F/1000.0; str(F:6:6,Fstring); Fstring:=tztrim(Fstring)+' Khz'; end else begin if F<1.0E9 then begin F:=F/1.0E6; str(F:6:6,Fstring); Fstring:=tztrim(Fstring)+' Mhz'; end else begin F:=F/1.0E9; str(F:9:6,Fstring); Fstring:=tztrim(Fstring)+' Ghz'; end; end; end; end; end; // voltage to db function VtoDB(V:double):double; begin VtoDB:=(ln(V)/ln(10.0))*20.0; end; // voltage divider calculation procedure GainCalcs; var Gain,R1,R2,V1,V2:double; var sel:char; begin writeln('----- Voltage divider/gain calculations -----'); writeln('1) Voltage divider gain (attenuation)'); writeln('2) Non-inverting opamp gain'); writeln('3) Inverting opamp / ratio gain'); writeln('4) Load Z from series R and voltages'); write('Which one? '); sel:=readkey; case sel of '1':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter top R : '); R1:=EnterN; if R1<=0 then exit; write('Enter bottom R : '); R2:=EnterN; if R2<=0 then exit; Gain:=R2/(R1+R2); end; '2':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter R from out to inv-in : '); R1:=EnterN; if R1<=0 then exit; write('Enter R from inv-in to gnd : '); R2:=EnterN; if R2<=0 then exit; Gain:=1.0+(R1/R2); end; '3':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter input R or V : '); R1:=EnterN; if R1<=0 then exit; write('Enter output R or V : '); R2:=EnterN; if R2<=0 then exit; Gain:=R2/R1; end; '4':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter series resistance : '); R1:=EnterN; if R1<=0 then exit; write('Enter voltage at source : '); V1:=EnterN; if V1<=0 then exit; write('Enter voltage at load : '); V2:=EnterN; if v2<=0 then exit; if v1>v2 then begin R2:=(V2*R1)/(V1-V2); writeln('Load impedance = ',Rstring(R2)); end else writeln('source V must be greater than load V'); exit; end; else begin writeln; exit; end; end; writeln('Voltage Gain = ',Nstring(Gain),' (',Nstring(VtoDB(Gain)),'dB)'); end; // series C procedure SeriesC; var C,Cacc:double; begin writeln('----- Series capacitors -----'); writeln('Enter all C values then press enter to calculate'); Cacc:=0.0; repeat write('Enter C: '); C:=EnterC; if C<>0.0 then Cacc:=Cacc+(1.0/C); until C<=0.0; gotoxy(1,wherey-1);clreol; // cursor up to column 1 and erase line if Cacc<=0.0 then exit; writeln('Total series C = ',Cstring(1.0/Cacc)); end; // parallel R procedure ParallelR; var R,Racc:double; begin writeln('----- Parallel resistors -----'); writeln('Enter all R values then press enter to calculate'); Racc:=0.0; repeat write('Enter R: '); R:=EnterN; if R<>0.0 then Racc:=Racc+(1.0/R); until R<=0.0; gotoxy(1,wherey-1);clreol; if Racc<=0.0 then exit; writeln('Total parallel R = ',Rstring(1.0/Racc)); end; // needed R procedure NeededR; var Rexisting,Rdesired,Rneeded:double; begin writeln('----- Calculate needed parallel resistor -----'); write('Existing R : '); Rexisting:=EnterN; if Rexisting<=0 then exit; write('Desired R : '); Rdesired:=EnterN; if Rdesired<=0 then exit; if Rdesired >= Rexisting then begin writeln('Desired must be less than existing'); exit; end; Rneeded:=1.0/((1.0/Rdesired)-(1.0/Rexisting)); writeln('Needed R = ',Rstring(Rneeded)); end; // capacitive reactance procedure CapZ; var sel:char; var C,F,Z:double; var exitcalc:integer; begin writeln('----- Capacitive reactance -----'); writeln('1) Calculate Z from C and F'); writeln('2) Calculate C from Z and F'); writeln('3) Calculate F from Z and C'); exitcalc:=0; repeat write('Which one? '); sel:=readkey; case sel of '1':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter C: '); C:=EnterC; if C>0 then begin write('Enter F: '); F:=EnterN; if F>0 then begin Z:=1.0/(6.28318530718*C*F); writeln('Z = ',Rstring(Z)); end; end; end; '2':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter Z: '); Z:=EnterN; if Z>0 then begin write('Enter F: '); F:=EnterN; if F>0 then begin C:=1.0/(6.28318530718*Z*F); writeln('C = ',Cstring(C)); end; end; end; '3':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter Z: '); Z:=EnterN; if Z>0 then begin write('Enter C: '); C:=EnterC; if C>0 then begin F:=1.0/(6.28318530718*Z*C); writeln('F = ',Fstring(F)); end; end; end; else exitcalc:=1; end; until exitcalc<>0; writeln; end; // inductive reactance procedure IndZ; var sel:char; var L,F,Z:double; var exitcalc:integer; begin writeln('----- Inductive reactance -----'); writeln('1) Calculate Z from L and F'); writeln('2) Calculate L from Z and F'); writeln('3) Calculate F from Z and L'); exitcalc:=0; repeat write('Which one? '); sel:=readkey; case sel of '1':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter L: '); L:=EnterL; if L>0 then begin write('Enter F: '); F:=EnterN; if F>0 then begin Z:=6.28318530718*L*F; writeln('Z = ',Rstring(Z)); end; end; end; '2':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter Z: '); Z:=EnterN; if Z>0 then begin write('Enter F: '); F:=EnterN; if F>0 then begin L:=Z/(6.28318530718*F); writeln('L = ',Lstring(L)); end; end; end; '3':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter Z: '); Z:=EnterN; if Z>0 then begin write('Enter L: '); L:=EnterL; if L>0 then begin F:=Z/(6.28318530718*L); writeln('F = ',Fstring(F)); end; end; end; else exitcalc:=1; end; until exitcalc<>0; writeln; end; // Air-core Coil Calculator // derived equations determined using Mathomatic and the formula // L=(Nturns*Diameter)^2/(45*Diameter+100*Length) for cm units // Didn't quite line up with the popular equation for inches // using the factors 18 and 40, and the derived equations explode // if the factors changed, so added scaling variables instead procedure AirCoilCalculator; var sel:char; var L,N,DI,DIf,DIs,LE,LEf,LEs,temp:double; var exitcalc,inchflag:integer; var unitstr:string; begin writeln('----- Air-core Coil Calculator -----'); writeln('Note - approximation only, not that accurate'); exitcalc:=0; inchflag:=1; DIf:=1.016; LEf:=1.016; // scaling factors repeat if inchflag=0 then begin unitstr:='cm '; DIs:=DIf; LEs:=LEf; // for cm scale is same as factor end else begin // for inches adjust scale accordingly unitstr:='inch'; DIs:=DIf/2.54; LEs:=LEf/2.54; // divide by f on input end; // multiply by f on output write('Formula L(uH)=(Turns*Dia)^2/(',Nstring(45.0*DIs)); writeln('*Dia+',Nstring(100.0*LEs),'*Len) units=',unitstr); writeln('1) Solve for inductance'); writeln('2) Solve for number of turns'); writeln('3) Solve for diameter'); writeln('4) Solve for length'); writeln('5) Units and scale factor'); write('Which one? '); sel:=readkey; case sel of '1':begin writeln(sel); // solve for inductance write('Diameter in ',unitstr,' : '); DI:=EnterN; if DI>0 then begin write('Length in ',unitstr,' : '); LE:=EnterN; if LE>0 then begin write('Number of turns : '); N:=EnterN; if N>0 then begin DI:=DI/DIs; LE:=LE/LEs; L:=((N*N*DI*DI)/(45.0*DI+100.0*LE))*1.0E-6; writeln('Inductance = ',Lstring(L)); end; end; end; end; '2':begin writeln(sel); // solve for number of turns write('Inductance (add uH etc) : '); L:=EnterL; if L>0 then begin write('Diameter in ',unitstr,' : '); DI:=EnterN; if DI>0 then begin write('Length in ',unitstr,' : '); LE:=EnterN; if LE>0 then begin DI:=DI/DIs; LE:=LE/LEs; L:=L*1.0E6; N:=sqrt(5.0*L*(9.0*DI+20.0*LE))/DI; writeln('Number of turns = ',Nstring(N)); end; end; end; end; '3':begin writeln(sel); // solve for diameter write('Inductance (add uH etc) : '); L:=EnterL; if L>0 then begin write('Number of turns : '); N:=EnterN; if N>0 then begin write('Length in ',unitstr,' : '); LE:=EnterN; if LE>0 then begin LE:=LE/LEs; L:=L*1.0E6; DI:=((45.0*L)-sqrt((2025.0*L*L)+(400.0*N*N*L*LE))*-1.0)/(2.0*N*N); writeln('Diameter = ',Nstring(DI*DIs),' ',unitstr); end; end; end; end; '4':begin writeln(sel); // solve for length write('Inductance (add uH etc) : '); L:=EnterL; if L>0 then begin write('Number of turns : '); N:=EnterN; if N>0 then begin write('Diameter in ',unitstr,' : '); DI:=EnterN; if DI>0 then begin DI:=DI/DIs; L:=L*1.0E6; temp:=2.0*DI*N*N-45.0*L; LE:=((temp*temp)/25.0-81.0*L*L)/(16.0*L*N*N); writeln('Length = ',Nstring(LE*LEs),' ',unitstr); end; end; end; end; '5':begin writeln(sel); writeln('Units=',unitstr,' DIf=',Nstring(DIf),' LEf=',Nstring(LEf)); writeln('1) Toggle units'); writeln('2) New DIf diameter factor'); writeln('3) New LEf length factor'); write('Which one? '); sel:=readkey; case sel of '1':begin writeln(sel); if inchflag=0 then inchflag:=1 else inchflag:=0; end; '2':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter new DIf: '); temp:=EnterN; if temp>0 then DIf:=temp; end; '3':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter new LEf: '); temp:=EnterN; if temp>0 then LEf:=temp;end; else writeln; end; end; else exitcalc:=1; end; until exitcalc<>0; writeln; end; // LC resonant frequency procedure Resonance; var sel:char; var Z,L,F,C,RS,RP,QS,QP,Q:double; var exitcalc:integer; begin writeln('----- LC Resonance -----'); writeln('1) Calculate F Z Q from L C R'); writeln('2) Calculate L from F and C'); writeln('3) Calculate C from F and L'); writeln('4) Air Coil Calculator'); exitcalc:=0; repeat write('Which one? '); sel:=readkey; case sel of '1':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter L: '); L:=EnterL; if L>0 then begin write('Enter C: '); C:=EnterC; if C>0 then begin write('Enter Rser (optional): '); RS:=EnterN; write('Enter Rpar (optional): '); RP:=EnterN; F:=1.0/(6.28318530718*sqrt(L*C)); writeln('F = ',Fstring(F)); QS:=0; if RS>0 then QS:=(1/RS)*sqrt(L/C); QP:=0; if RP>0 then QP:=RP*sqrt(C/L); Q:=QS+QP; if (QS>0) and (QP>0) then Q:=1.0/(1.0/QS+1.0/QP); if Q>0 then begin write('Q = ',Nstring(Q)); if (QS>0) and (QP>0) then write(' (Qser=',Nstring(QS),' Qpar=',Nstring(QP),')'); writeln; end; Z:=1.0/(6.28318530718*C*F); writeln('Zcomponent = ',Rstring(Z)); if Q>0 then writeln('Zresonance(parallel LC) = ',Rstring(Z*Q)); if Q>0 then writeln('Zresonance(series LC) = ',Rstring(Z/Q)); end; end; end; '2':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter F: '); F:=EnterN; if F>0 then begin write('Enter C: '); C:=EnterC; if C>0 then begin L:=25330.295910581/(F*F*C); //in uH L:=L/1.0E6; //convert to H writeln('L = ',Lstring(L)); end; end; end; '3':begin writeln(sel); write('Enter F: '); F:=EnterN; if F>0 then begin write('Enter L: '); L:=EnterL; if L>0 then begin C:=25330.295910581/(F*F*L); //in uF C:=C/1.0E6; //convert to F writeln('C = ',Cstring(C)); end; end; end; '4':begin writeln(sel); AirCoilCalculator; exit; end; else exitcalc:=1; end; until exitcalc=1; writeln; end; // resistance noise procedure Rnoise; var R,T,F,N:double; var tempstr:string; var conv,e:integer; begin writeln('----- Calculate noise voltage -----'); write('Enter resistance: '); R:=EnterN; if R<=0 then exit; write('Enter temp in K (or add C or F): '); readln(tempstr); tempstr:=trim(uppercase(tempstr)); if tempstr='' then exit; conv:=0; // defalt K case rightstr(tempstr,1) of 'K': conv:=1; 'C': conv:=2; 'F': conv:=3; end; if conv>0 then tempstr:=leftstr(tempstr,length(tempstr)-1); // remove suffix val(tempstr,T,e); if e<>0 then exit; if conv=2 then T:=T+273.15; // convert C to K if conv=3 then T:=((T-32.0)*(5.0/9.0))+273.15; // convert F to K if T<=0 then begin writeln('Can''t be at or below absolute zero'); exit; end; write('Enter bandwidth (20K for audio): '); F:=EnterN; if F<=0 then exit; N:=sqrt(4.0*1.38065E-23*T*F*R); if N<0.001 then writeln('Noise = ',Nstring(N*1.0E6),' microvolts (uV)') else if N<1.0 then writeln('Noise = ',Nstring(N*1.0E3),' millivolts (mV)') else writeln('Noise = ',Nstring(N),' volts'); end; // capacitor charge calculations // similar to // common entry functions function GetVs():double; begin write('Enter Vs: '); GetVs:=EnterN; end; function GetVc():double; begin write('Enter Vc: '); GetVc:=EnterN; end; function GetT():double; begin write('Enter T : '); GetT:=EnterN; end; function GetR():double; begin write('Enter R : '); GetR:=EnterN; end; function GetC():double; begin write('Enter C : '); GetC:=EnterC; end; // main capcharge procedure procedure CapCharge; var Vs,Vc,T,R,C:double; var sel:char; var exitcalc:integer; begin writeln('----- Capacitor charge calculations -----'); writeln('Vs = Absolute supply voltage'); writeln('Vc = Absolute capacitor voltage'); writeln('T = Time (default seconds unless ms or us appended)'); writeln('R = Series resistance (default ohms unless K or M)'); writeln('C = Capacitance (default F unless u n or p)'); writeln('1) Calculate T from Vs Vc R C'); writeln('2) Calculate R from Vs Vc T C'); writeln('3) Calculate C from Vs Vc T R'); writeln('4) Calculate Vc from Vs T R C'); writeln('5) Calculate Vs from Vc T R C'); exitcalc:=0; repeat write('Which one? '); sel:=readkey; case sel of '1':begin writeln(sel); Vs:=GetVs; if Vs>0 then begin Vc:=GetVc; if Vc>0 then begin if Vc>=Vs then writeln('Vs must be greater than Vc') else begin R:=GetR; if R>0 then begin C:=GetC; if C>0 then begin T:=-ln((Vs-Vc)/Vs)*R*C; if T<0.001 then begin writeln('T = ',Nstring(T*1.0E6),' microseconds (us)'); end else begin if T<0.1 then begin writeln('T = ',Nstring(T*1.0E3),' milliseconds (ms)'); end else begin writeln('T = ',Nstring(T),' seconds'); end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; '2':begin writeln(sel); Vs:=GetVs; if Vs>0 then begin Vc:=GetVc; if Vc>0 then begin if Vc>=Vs then writeln('Vs must be greater than Vc') else begin T:=GetT; if T>0 then begin C:=GetC; if C>0 then begin R:=-T/(ln((Vs-Vc)/Vs)*C); writeln('R = ',Rstring(R)); end; end; end; end; end; end; '3':begin writeln(sel); Vs:=GetVs; if Vs>0 then begin Vc:=GetVc; if Vc>0 then begin if Vc>=Vs then writeln('Vs must be greater than Vc') else begin T:=GetT; if T>0 then begin R:=GetR; if R>0 then begin C:=-T/(ln((VS-VC)/VS)*R); writeln('C = ',Cstring(C)); end; end; end; end; end; end; '4':begin writeln(sel); Vs:=GetVs; if Vs>0 then begin T:=GetT; if T>0 then begin R:=GetR; if R>0 then begin C:=GetC; if C>0 then begin Vc:=Vs-(Vs*exp(-T/(R*C))); writeln('Vc = ',Nstring(Vc)); end; end; end; end; end; '5':begin writeln(sel); Vc:=GetVc; if Vc>0 then begin T:=GetT; if T>0 then begin R:=GetR; if R>0 then begin C:=GetC; if C>0 then begin Vs:=-Vc/(exp(-(1.0/(R*C))*T)-1.0); writeln('Vs = ',Nstring(Vs)); end; end; end; end; end; else exitcalc:=1; end; until exitcalc=1; writeln; end; // main menu var inputkey:char; var exitprog,showmenu:integer; begin exitprog:=0; showmenu:=1; writeln('ECALCS - Electronics Calculations - version 210118 by WTN'); writeln('---------------------------------------------------------'); writeln('At the Select prompt Enter to redisplay menu, Esc to exit'); writeln('C entries accept uF nF and pF divisors (trailing F is ignored)'); writeln('L entries accept mH uH and nH divisors (trailing H is ignored)'); writeln('Other entries accept K M G multipliers (trailing V hz ignored)'); writeln('and also accept ms mV mO us uV uO etc for milli and micro'); writeln('---------------------------------------------------------'); repeat if showmenu=1 then begin writeln(#13'1) Voltage divider/gain'); // start at col 1 if redisplayed writeln('2) Series capacitors'); writeln('3) Parallel resistors'); writeln('4) Needed parallel resistor'); writeln('5) Capacitive reactance'); writeln('6) Inductive reactance'); writeln('7) Resonance and air coil'); writeln('8) Resistance noise'); writeln('9) Capacitor charge'); end; write(#13'Select:'); inputkey:=readkey; // cr ensures it starts at col 1 if (inputkey>='1') and (inputkey<='9') then begin // valid selection showmenu:=0; // don't redisplay menu unless requested writeln(inputkey); // print the selection end; try // inputs are checked but some entries can still cause errors case inputkey of '1': GainCalcs; '2': SeriesC; '3': ParallelR; '4': NeededR; '5': CapZ; '6': IndZ; '7': Resonance; '8': Rnoise; '9': CapCharge; #13: showmenu:=showmenu+1; //increment to reject multiple enters #27: exitprog:=1; else if showmenu=1 then showmenu:=2; // avoid redisplaying menu end; except // error handling... on E:Exception do begin writeln;writeln('An error occured...'); writeln(E.Message);writeln; showmenu:=1; end; end; until exitprog<>0; writeln; end.
Terry Newton (