Batch Shell for XL-it! and XFormer

This batch makes it easier to use a couple of popular Atari 8 bit computer emulators. It is designed with Windows in mind, associate your ATR and XFD files with it to double-click and run them. To make life easier it remembers the setup and emulator used by each virtual Atari disk.

Dos 6 or Windows 95 is required. If you have 95, check to see if QBasic.exe is installed. If not find it on the CD or download it from Microsoft's web site.


Copy RUNATARI.BAT and SELFILE.COM to either a path directory or to the same directory as the emulator files. Both emulators should be in the same directory. Before using you *must* edit the RUNATARI.BAT file to specify your program directory, and probably program/doc filenames. Load the batch into Notepad or any other plain text editor and alter the indicated parts, only change the parts after the = characters in the set var= lines.


If run without a parm it comes up with an option menu. If run by double-clicking an associated Atari disk or if the disk is specified on the command line it waits 2 seconds for Esc to bring up the menu, otherwise it runs the disk with the last settings for it or with the default options. Settings for the boot disk (or default if none) are saved whenever the emulator is ran from the menu, all you have to do is press Esc while loading, change the options and Go.


The mount and copy disk functions only access ATR files, use the Files option to mount XFD files or 8 bit files for XFormer. Unmount does not unmount the boot disk when run by association. Configuration is stored in the RUNATARI.CFG file but wasn't designed to be human readable, the disk names are backwards.

The SELFILE utility maxes out if too many files, shouldn't be a problem though. See SELFILE.TXT for notes on how to use this utility from batch files.

When entering data, avoid using batch-illegal characters like <, > or | to avoid crashing the input routine.


XFormer 3.6 is now free and it rocks! Updated the batch to pick XFormer options using 1-6, thought I might could get away with just typing in and saving the command line options, but this is better. Now shells a new with more environment space to avoid possible errors, also to hide all those evars.

Listing of the batch file

(html converted, for looking not running)

:: RUNATARI.BAT version 0.22a Feb 11 98
:: Requires Dos 6 or Win95 w/ QBasic
:: This batch runs the XL-it! and XFormer Atari emulators.
:: Associate .ATR/.XFD files with this, press ESC when loading
:: to adjust pararamers, saves settings for the disk when the
:: emulator is run.
@echo off
if .%1==.GotoInput goto input
if .%1==.GotoShell goto shell
%comspec% /e:8192 /c %0 GotoShell %1
goto lastline
:: !!! Modify below to match your setup (after =) 
:: **** program drive and directory...
set progdir=D:\OLDCOMP\ATARI800
:: **** XL-it! filenames...
set xlprog=ATARIXL.EXE
set xldocs=XL_DOC.TXT
:: **** xformer filenames and options...
set xfprog=XFORMER.EXE
set xfdocs=XFORMER.TXT
:: **** file viewer...
set listprog=LIST
:: **** default XL-it! settings...
:: on is 'set -nopatch=-nopatch' 
set -nobasic=-nobasic
set -joyswap=-joyswap
set -nosound=-nosound
set -artifact=
set -nopatch=
set hddir=.
:: **** default xformer setttings...
:: Joy Turbo Sound Ad-less Nobasic 800-mode
:: on is 'set -J=-J' for example
set -J=
set -T=
set -S=
set -A=-A
set -N=
set -8=

::default emulator...
set usexf=
::set usexf=-usexf

set atrdisks=
set fid=
cd %progdir%

:: derive an id from filename using QBasic...
echo>runat$$.bas f$="%2":if sgn(4-len(f$))=1 then system
echo>>runat$$.bas open "runat$$.bat" for output as #1
echo>>runat$$.bas ? #1,"set fid=";:fp=len(f$)-4 
echo>>runat$$.bas fidloop:if fp=0 or mid$(f$,fp,1)="\" goto x
echo>>runat$$.bas ? #1,mid$(f$,fp,1);:fp=fp-1:goto fidloop
echo>>runat$$.bas x:? #1,"":close #1:system
qbasic /run runat$$.bas
if exist runat$$.bat call runat$$.bat
del runat$$.*
set fid=*%fid%*

:: check for config entry
if not exist runatari.cfg goto askconfig
find "%fid%"<runatari.cfg>runatari.$$
copy runatari.$$ runatari.$$$>nul
del runatari.$$
if not exist runatari.$$$ goto askconfig

:: does exist... check and set flags

:: set atrdisks variable
find "%%"<runatari.$$$>runat$$.bat
call runat$$.bat
del runat$$.bat

set usexf=
find "-usexf"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set usexf=-usexf
if .%usexf%==. goto getxlp

set -J=
find "-J"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -J=-J 
set -N=
find "-N"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -N=-N 
set -T=
find "-T"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -T=-T 
set -A=
find "-A"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -A=-A 
set -S=
find "-S"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -S=-S 
set -8=
find "-8"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -8=-8 
del runatari.$$$
goto askconfig

set -nobasic=
find "-nobasic"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -nobasic=-nobasic
set -joyswap=
find "-joyswap"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -joyswap=-joyswap
set -nosound=
find "-nosound"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -nosound=-nosound
set -artifact=
find "-artifact"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -artifact=-artifact
set -nopatch=
find "-nopatch"<runatari.$$$>nul
if not errorlevel 1 set -nopatch=-nopatch
del runatari.$$$

if .%2==. goto configure
if not exist %2 goto configure

echo         Atari 800 Emulator Shell
echo         ========================
echo         Mounted: %2%atrdisks%
echo         Press ESC to configure...
choice /c:x /t:x,2>nul
if errorlevel 2 goto configure

if not .%usexf%==. goto runxf
set -hd=
if not .%hddir%==. set -hd=-hd %hddir%
set option=
%xlprog% %-hd% %-nobasic% %-joyswap% %-artifact% %-nosound% %-nopatch% %2 %atrdisks%
if not .%2==. goto end
goto configure
%xfprog% %-J% %-S% %-N% %-A% %-T% %-8% %2 %atrdisks%
if not .%2==. goto end

echo         Atari 800 Emulator Shell
echo         ========================
echo         Mounted: %2%atrdisks%
set atrdmod=Yes
echo %atrdisks%>runatari.$$
find "."<runatari.$$>nul
if errorlevel 1 set atrdmod=No
del runatari.$$
if not .%usexf%==. goto xfset
if .%-nobasic%==. echo         1 - BASIC is Enabled
if not .%-nobasic%==. echo         1 - BASIC is Disabled
if .%-nosound%==. echo         2 - Sound effects are Enabled
if not .%-nosound%==. echo         2 - Sound effects are Disabled
if .%-artifact%==. echo         3 - Artifacting is Disabled
if not .%-artifact%==. echo         3 - Artifacting is Enabled
if .%-joyswap%==. echo         4 - Joysticks are not swapped
if not .%-joyswap%==. echo         4 - Joysticks are swapped
if .%-nopatch%==. echo         5 - OS is patched
if not .%-nopatch%==. echo         5 - OS is not patched
if .%hddir%==. echo         6 - Specify hard disk dir
if not .%hddir%==. echo         6 - Hard disk dir = %hddir%
echo         E - Emulator: XL-it!
goto comset
if .%-N%==. echo         1 - BASIC is Enabled
if not .%-N%==. echo         1 - BASIC is Disabled
if .%-S%==. echo         2 - Sound effects are Disabled
if not .%-S%==. echo         2 - Sound effects are Enabled
if .%-A%==. echo         3 - Show startup screen
if not .%-A%==. echo         3 - Skip startup screen
if .%-J%==. echo         4 - Joysticks are Disabled
if not .%-J%==. echo         4 - Joysticks are Enabled
if .%-T%==. echo         5 - Normal speed
if not .%-T%==. echo         5 - Turbo speed
if .%-8%==. echo         6 - XL emulation
if not .%-8%==. echo         6 - 800 emulation
echo         E - Emulator: Xformer
echo         F - Mount file
echo         M - Mount ATR disk
echo         C - Copy ATR disk
echo         U - Unmount disks
echo         G - Go! Run Simulator
echo         L - List simulator docs
echo         Q - Quit
choice /c:123456MCUGLEFQ >nul
if errorlevel 14 goto end
if errorlevel 13 goto addfile
if errorlevel 12 goto swe
if errorlevel 11 goto listdocs
if errorlevel 10 goto save&run
if errorlevel 9 goto unmount
if errorlevel 8 goto copyatr
if errorlevel 7 goto mount
if errorlevel 6 goto sw6
if errorlevel 5 goto sw5
if errorlevel 4 goto sw4
if errorlevel 3 goto sw3
if errorlevel 2 goto sw2
if errorlevel 1 goto sw1
goto end
if .%-nobasic%==. set -nobasic=x
if .%-nobasic%==.-nobasic set -nobasic=
if .%-nobasic%==.x set -nobasic=-nobasic
if .%-N%==. set -N=x
if .%-N%==.-N set -N=
if .%-N%==.x set -N=-N
goto configure
if .%-nosound%==. set -nosound=x
if .%-nosound%==.-nosound set -nosound=
if .%-nosound%==.x set -nosound=-nosound
if .%-S%==. set -S=x
if .%-S%==.-S set -S=
if .%-S%==.x set -S=-S
goto configure
if .%-artifact%==. set -artifact=x
if .%-artifact%==.-artifact set -artifact=
if .%-artifact%==.x set -artifact=-artifact
if .%-A%==. set -A=x
if .%-A%==.-A set -A=
if .%-A%==.x set -A=-A
goto configure
if .%-joyswap%==. set -joyswap=x
if .%-joyswap%==.-joyswap set -joyswap=
if .%-joyswap%==.x set -joyswap=-joyswap
if .%-J%==. set -J=x
if .%-J%==.-J set -J=
if .%-J%==.x set -J=-J
goto configure
if .%-nopatch%==. set -nopatch=x
if .%-nopatch%==.-nopatch set -nopatch=
if .%-nopatch%==.x set -nopatch=-nopatch
if .%-T%==. set -T=x
if .%-T%==.-T set -T=
if .%-T%==.x set -T=-T
goto configure
if .%usexf%==. goto hd
if .%-8%==. set -8=x
if .%-8%==.-8 set -8=
if .%-8%==.x set -8=-8
goto configure
if .%usexf%==. set usexf=x
if .%usexf%==.-usexf set usexf=
if .%usexf%==.x set usexf=-usexf
goto configure

if .%fid%==. goto run
find/v "%fid%"<runatari.cfg>runatari.$$
if %atrdmod%==No goto save2
echo>>runatari.$$ set atrdisks=%atrdisks%%% %fid%%%
if .%usexf%==. goto save3
echo>>runatari.$$ %fid% %usexf% %-J% %-S% %-N% %-A% %-T% %-8%
goto save4
echo>>runatari.$$ %fid% %-nobasic% %-joyswap% %-nosound% %-artifact% %-nopatch%
copy runatari.$$ runatari.cfg>nul
del runatari.$$
goto run

set str=%xldocs%
if not .%usexf%==. set str=%xfdocs%
call %listprog% %str%
goto configure

echo Enter hard drive directory...
call %0 GotoInput
set hddir=%str%
if .%hddir%==. goto configure
if not exist %hddir%\nul set hddir=
goto configure

echo         Atari 800 Emulator Shell
echo         ========================
echo         Mounted: %2%atrdisks%
echo         Select file to mount...
selfile *.atr
call selfile$
del selfile$.bat
if exist %main%.%ext% set atrdisks=%atrdisks% %main%.%ext%
goto configure

set atrdisks=
goto configure

echo         Atari 800 Emulator Shell
echo         ========================
echo         Mounted: %2%atrdisks%
echo         Select file to mount...
selfile *.*
call selfile$
del selfile$.bat
if exist %main%.%ext% set atrdisks=%atrdisks% %main%.%ext%
goto configure

echo         Atari 800 Emulator Shell
echo         ========================
echo         Select ATR file to duplicate...
selfile *.atr
call selfile$
del selfile$.bat
if not exist %main%.%ext% goto configure
echo Enter new disk name (no ext)...
call %0 GotoInput
if .%str%==. goto configure
copy %main%.%ext% %str%.%ext% >nul
goto configure

goto lastline

if exist enter.bat echo input disabled - remove ENTER.BAT file
if exist enter.bat goto lastline
> en#er.bat fc con nul /lb1 /n|date|find "    1:  "
> enter.bat echo set str=
>>enter.bat echo :loop
>>enter.bat echo if not .%%str%%==. set str=%%str%% %%5
>>enter.bat echo if .%%str%%==. set str=%%5
>>enter.bat echo shift
>>enter.bat echo if not .%%5==. goto loop
call en#er.bat
for %%a in (enter.bat en#er.bat) do del %%a
