HP-IPL/OS Utilities =================== HPASM - the HPASM cross assembler, see HPASM.TXT for details The following programs are written in QBASIC for dos/windows systems, for other OS's run under dos emulation or convert the algorithms to what is needed. -------------- OCT_TOOL - a utility I wrote many moons ago (and just fixed again) that prints octal equivalents for text strings and vice versa. Also computes octal numbers for compound instructions with an option for processing an entire HPASM file. Note.. there is a discrepency between OCT_TOOL and CREATE with some compound instructions, just discovered that SLA,ALS is assembled by create as ALS,SLA instead (oops... looks like a CREATE bug but at least it's obscure). OCT_TOOL gets it right now but I won't swear it gets everything right. Compound instruction packing is tricky business! -------------- MAKE_MT - a utility for copying files to a SIMH-compatible magtape file that can be directly mounted or imported into an existing magtape volume using MTRESTORE. Prompts for an output file (overwrites if exists) then prompts for input files. The letter case as entered is used for the magtape "filename" displayed by HP-IPL/OS' MTDIR command. Press return without a filename to end. Accepts standard input so can be run from a batch file to update a group of files at once. I use the following batch to keep my simulated magtape file current... @echo off echo >make_tmp tape0.tap echo>>make_tmp tbg.ipl echo>>make_tmp baci.ipl echo>>make_tmp double.ipl echo>>make_tmp bigshift.ipl echo>>make_tmp config.ipl echo>>make_tmp hpib.ipl echo>>make_tmp disk.ipl echo>>make_tmp 7900.ipl echo>>make_tmp ide.ipl echo>>make_tmp tdos.ipl echo>>make_tmp congen.ipl echo>>make_tmp log2abs.ipl echo>>make_tmp mkldr.ipl echo>>make_tmp mkcldr.ipl echo>>make_tmp mkhpasm.ipl echo>>make_tmp cylons.ipl echo>>make_tmp 1dca.ipl echo>>make_tmp games.ipl echo>>make_tmp maze.ipl echo>>make_tmp n_rocks.ipl echo>>make_tmp csboot.ipl echo>>make_tmp tutils.ipl echo.>>make_tmp make_mt < make_tmp del make_tmp -------------- MkBigIPL - a utility for combining multiple IPL files into a single file that loads all the specified files. Prompts for a filename to write to, then prompts for IPL files to add. Press return without a filename to terminate. Individual IPL files must end with CONSOLE. The last line containing CONSOLE is removed from each IPL allowing the load to continue, CONSOLE is added to the end to terminate the compound load. -------------- Some import commands require specification of filesize, I use the following to display the size of TXT and IPL files... ---- cut, ShowTXTsizes.bat ------------- @echo off dir /on *.txt | find/i " txt" | more pause cls ---- stop cutting ---------------------- ---- cut, ShowIPLsizes.bat ------------- @echo off mode con lines=50 dir /on *.ipl | find/i " ipl" | more pause cls ---- stop cutting ---------------------- There are often more than 23 or so IPL files so ShowIPLsizes.bat is programmed to enable a 50 line console. --------------------- Last updated 9/6/04 Terry Newton