; CONFIG - sets slots for self-patching drivers ; Expanded for HP-IPL/OS 0.57 1/4/04 ; Commented out unimplemented patches 8/1/04 ; Added HPIB support 6/13/05 ; 6/18/05 if any slots changed all IRQ vect locs ; are reset to 114320 and interrupts turned off. ; added !SDC to set default console ; 9/4/06 trimmed out extra stuff ;------------------------------------------------------- "Loading CONFIG" $PRINT CRLF OCTAL DEFINE CONFIG DEC END ;dummy call replained by MAIN DEFINE CHANGESLOT $PRINT DUP GET PNUM $IN $LEN IFNZ -IRQ $VAL PUT DROP #1 ;if anything changed, disables IRQ ELSE $DROP DROP ENDIF END DEFINE MAIN OCTAL "Enter slots to change..." $PRINT CRLF #0 ;changed flag "TTY " 355 CHANGESLOT "PTP " 356 CHANGESLOT "PTR " 357 CHANGESLOT "TBG " 270 CHANGESLOT "7900 " 273 CHANGESLOT IFNZ ;if anything changed 6 47 +DO INDEX 114320 PUT +LOOP ;reset slot vectors to 47 to dummies "IRQ off, 6-47 set to dummies, 2 RUN to enable" $PRINT CRLF ENDIF END ;wrap CONFIG around MAIN and link... "MAIN" $DEFADR DUP DEC GET "CONFIG" $DUP $DEFADR DEC SWAP PUT $DEFADR INC SWAP PUT ;------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLE