; !NOLF - makes HP-IPL/OS ignore line feeds in console input 8/18/07 ; Normal console ops already do but $IN and other input routines don't ; If an LF is received, the byte is discarded and another getchar is called ; nothing can be done about messed-up formatting (that I'm aware of.. it's ; a hardware echo so you'd have to be pretty good to intercept that...) OCTAL CREATE !NOLF LDA ZCHIN get console in vector CPA ANCIN already installed? JMP END yes - exit STA OCIN save original target LDA ANCIN get address of new target STA ZCHIN set console in vector STA ZIN also to general in JMP END exit OCIN OCT 0 prev target ANCIN DEF NCIN address of new target CNSTLF OCT 12 a linefeed * new char input sub... NCIN NOP NCIN2 JSB OCIN,I call original console in sub CPA CNSTLF is it a linefeed? JMP NCIN2 yes - ignore, get more input JMP NCIN,I exit sub END ; CONSOLE