SFS/UTIL 6/I 1.60 ? "HELLO.ALG" LDFILE HLT MASAVE Loading alt mem: * HALT instruction 102007, P: 54313 (JMP 321,I) sim>attach ptp hello.alg PTP: creating new file sim>c Saving alt mem array to MS out, removing spaces... ? ALGOL Attach PTR to Algol source file Attach PTP to relocateable output file Press Run to start or run from 2 now to abort When done detach PTP and run from 77000 to exit HALT instruction 102007, P: 54313 (JMP 321,I) sim>attach ptr hello.alg sim>attach ptp hello.rel PTP: creating new file sim>c Loading system binary... PAGE 001 001 02000 HPAL,L,B,"HELLO" 002 02000 BEGIN 003 02003 INTEGER I; 004 02003 INTEGER ARRAY NAME[1:10]; 005 02016 FORMAT A1(10A2); 006 02021 WRITE(1,#("WHAT IS YOUR NAME: _")); 007 02044 READ(1,A1,FOR I:=1 TO 10 DO NAME[I]); 008 02075 WRITE(1,#("HELLO, _")); 009 02112 WRITE(1,A1,FOR I:=1 TO 10 DO NAME[I]); 010 02142 END OF HELLO$ PROGRAM= 000143 BASE PAGE= 000013 ERRORS=000 HALT instruction 102077, P: 00100 (JMP 424,I) sim>run 77000 SFS/UTIL 6/I 1.60 ? LINK Attach PTR to first relocateable file to load Attach PTP to ABS output file Press Run to start or run from 2 now to abort At each halt attach PTR to next reloc file to load When the last program file has been loaded attach PTR to the relocateable library file and set SR bit 2 (SR=x40004, set bit 15 to suppress bounds printing) Note.. library must exist, run 2 then BCSLIB to punch After library has been loaded, set SR to x40004 and Run When done detach PTP and run from 77000 to exit HALT instruction 102007, P: 54313 (JMP 321,I) sim>attach ptr hello.rel sim>attach ptp hello.abs PTP: creating new file sim>c Loading system binary... *LOAD HALT instruction 102001, P: 73730 (CLB) sim>attach ptr bcslib.rel sim>d s 40004 sim>c FRMTR 02143 04553 00303 00570 INDEX 04554 04666 00571 00574 FLOAT 04667 04673 .PACK 04674 04770 00575 00604 MPY 04771 05107 00605 00610 DLDST 05110 05150 00611 00612 GETAD 05151 05164 00613 00614 IFIX 05165 05216 00615 00617 .STOP 05217 05233 .FLUN 05234 05244 00620 00621 ENDIO 05245 05253 *LST HALT instruction 102000, P: 74025 (LIB 1) sim>c .IOC. 74126 .SQT. 74103 .MEM. 74075 .BUFR 74277 HALT 74070 .DIO. 04137 .DTA. 04247 .INDA 04554 .IOI. 04017 .INDR 04560 .STOP 05217 .BIO. 04216 .IAR. 04073 .IOR. 03767 .RAR. 04047 OLDIO 02351 .DLD 05110 .DST 05123 .FLUN 05234 .MPY 04771 .PACK 04674 ENDIO 05245 FLOAT 04667 IFIX 05165 ADRES 00613 GETAD 05151 *LINKS 01732 01777 *END HALT instruction 102077, P: 74072 (JMP 74071) sim>load hello.abs sim>run 2 WHAT IS YOUR NAME: TERRY HELLO, TERRY STOP HALT instruction 102077, P: 74072 (JMP 74071) sim>run 77000 SFS/UTIL 6/I 1.60 ?