HP Paper-Tape BASIC Programs ============================ BEASTIPT.txt - a conversion of BEASTI GOLFPT.txt - a conversion of GOLF GOMOKUPT.txt - a conversion of GOMOKU HAMRBIPT.txt - a conversion of HAMRBI (HAMURABI) OTHPT.txt - a conversion of OTH (written for TSB-E in 2007) TREKPT.txt - a conversion of STTR1 (Trek) WUMPUSPT.txt - a conversion of WUMPUS (HUNT THE WUMPUS) LANDERPT.txt - a conversion of LANDER TTYTRKPT.txt - a conversion of TTY TREK TREKD1.txt - a conversion of TREKD SEABATPT.txt - a conversion of a conversion of a conversion of Sea Battle These are HP paper-tape BASIC programs for a HP21xx minicomputer. Some require a large memory configuration, recommend a HP BASIC configured for 28KW, or the 31KW single-user version of MSU BASIC. Original code TSB code (if available) is in the orig directory.