rem === MEVO === Multi-threaded Evolver === 12/3/09 === rem Copyright 2009 by Terry Newton under the terms of the GNU General Public rem License (GPL, v3 or above), see: rem Main terms are this software is provided as-is and without warranty, rem and that this software may be distributed as-is or modified, provided rem that the copyright notice remains intact and source code is included. rem Further terms for this program are that modifications be clearly noted. rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem MEVO automatically creates redcode warriors for the game of Corewar rem by applying simple principles of evolution to a population of warriors. rem Requires pmars or exmars (set maxlen to 0 for stock exmars) rem Requires pmarsv or pmarsw for visually running/battling warriors rem This source is for freebasic (compile using fbc -mt mevo.bas) rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "" rem --- OS/display setup --- dim shared usewin as integer = 0 '0 for linux 1 for windows dim shared useuni as integer = 1 '0 for ascii 1 for unicode (UTF-8) dim shared numberofthreads as integer = 1 'default number of parallel threads dim shared textcolor as integer = 10 'color used for printing text dim shared framecolor as integer = 11 'color used for drawing soup frame dim shared mintermheight as integer = 24 'minimum term height when listing dim startupcolor as integer = 2 'color used when starting rem --- if linux exit if not running in a terminal if usewin=0 then if environ("TERM")="" then system rem --- display title color startupcolor cls print print " MEVO - a Multi-threaded Evolver " print " Copyright Terry Newton (GPL) " print " Version date 12/3/09 " print sleep 1000 rem --- declare subs declare sub DrawSoup() declare sub Evolve() declare sub WriteWarrior(byval as string,byval as integer,byval as integer,byval as integer) declare sub ChangeData(byval as integer,byval as integer,byval as integer,byval as integer) declare sub RunEvolveTask (byval as any ptr) declare sub PerformBenchmark() declare sub PerformReinsertion() declare sub DisplayFile(byval as string) declare sub TestWarrior(byval as integer,byval as integer) declare sub RunWarrior(byval as integer,byval as integer) declare sub BattleWarrior(byval as integer,byval as integer,byval as string) rem --- array parameters dim shared xsize as integer = 77 'number of warriors in X dimension dim shared ysize as integer = 21 'number of warriors in Y dimension dim shared maxsize as integer = 20 'maximum evolved size dim shared xwrap as integer = 0 'enable side-side wraparound dim shared ywrap as integer = 0 'enable top-bottom wraparound dim shared instructions as string dim shared modifiers as string dim shared modes as string dim shared ninstructions as integer dim shared nmodifiers as integer dim shared nmodes as integer instructions = "nop mov mov mov mov mov spl spl spl spl djn djn djn dat" instructions = instructions + " add sub mul div slt sne seq jmp jmn jmz mod" modifiers = ".i .i .i .a .b .f .x" modes = "$$#@*<>{}" rem --- file parameters dim pathsep as string dim soupdir as string dim souppath as string dim tempdir as string dim shared temppath as string dim soupfile as string dim inifile as string soupdir = "soup" tempdir = "temp" soupfile = "soup.dat" inifile = "mevo.ini" rem --- pmars parameters dim shared coresize as integer = 800 dim processes as integer = 800 dim cycles as integer = 8000 dim shared maxlen as integer = 20 dim mindist as integer = 20 dim rounds as integer = 50 dim pmarsbin as string dim shared pmarsvbin as string dim pmarsvopt as string pmarsbin = "pmars" 'name of pmars binary pmarsvbin = "pmarsv" 'name of pmarsv binary pmarsvopt = "-v 444" 'pmarsv options dim shared pmarscl as string dim shared benchcl as string dim shared pmarsvcl as string rem --- evolving parameters dim shared instrate as single = 0.02 'chance of instruction change dim shared modrate as single = 0.03 'chance of modifier change dim shared moderate as single = 0.04 'chance of mode change dim shared datarate as single = 0.05 'chance of data change dim shared insrate as single = 0.007 'chance of line insert dim shared delrate as single = 0.01 'chance of line delete dim shared swaprate as single = 0.01 'chance of line swap dim shared dupline as single = 0.2 'if inserting, chance of dup line dim shared incdec as single = 0.2 'if changing data, chance of inc/dec dim shared bignum as single = 0.5 ' otherwise chance of big number dim shared initmode as integer = 1 '0 for 1st elements, 1 for random dim shared endrate as single = 0 'chance of changing end number dim shared endincdec as single = 0.5 'if end changed, chance of inc/dec dim shared end0chance as single = 1 'if end changed and not inc/dec, chance of 0 rem --- benchmark parameters and variables dim shared benchcounter as integer 'counter to determine when to sample dim shared reinsertcounter as integer 'counter to determine when to reinsert dim shared topscore as single 'best bench score so far dim shared topnumber as integer 'saved number of topscore warrior dim shared benchscore as single 'bench score of warrior being tested dim shared benchscorestring as string 'string version of score dim enablebench as integer '0 = no benchmarking, 1 = enable dim shared reinsertmode as integer '0 = none, 1 = top score, 2 = from save dim shared benchinterval as integer = 1000 'sample when benchinterval >= benchcounter dim shared reinsertinterval as integer = 2500 'reinsert when re'counter >= re'interval dim shared savethresh as single = 93 'percentage of top score to save dim shared benchrounds as integer = 200 'pmars rounds for benchmarking dim shared benchdir as string 'directory containing bench warriors dim shared testdir as string 'directory containing interface test warriors dim shared savedir as string 'directory to save strong warriors to dim shared topwarrior as string 'name of top-score warrior file dim shared numberofbenchwarriors as integer dim shared savepath as string dim shared benchpath as string dim shared lastsavedwarnum as integer dim shared numberofbenchscores as integer dim shared benchscorenumber as integer dim shared benchdirname as string dim shared warfile as string dim shared benchfile as string benchdir = "bench" savedir = "save" topwarrior = "" dim shared numberofbenchmasks as integer = 6 dim shared benchmask(1 to numberofbenchmasks) as string benchmask(1)="*.red" benchmask(2)="*.war" benchmask(3)="*.rc" benchmask(4)="*.RED" benchmask(5)="*.WAR" benchmask(6)="*.RC" if usewin then numberofbenchmasks = numberofbenchmasks/2 dim shared maxnumberofbenchscores as integer = 500 'maximum number of saved scores dim shared prevbenchscores(1 to maxnumberofbenchscores) as string 'for exactness rem --- crossover variables dim shared enablecross as integer '0 = no crossover 1 = enable crossover dim shared flipstart as single = .5 'chance of starting with winning warrior dim shared flipmaterate as single = .3 'chance of switching to mate dim shared flipbackrate as single = .3 'chance of switching back dim shared anychance as single = 0 'chance of crossing with dissimilar warrior dim shared bestchance as single = 1 'chance of crossing with warrior with most wins rem --- other variables dim shared infoline as string infoline = "evolved" 'string used for strategy comment dim i as integer dim j as integer dim k as integer dim x as integer dim y as integer dim z as integer dim s as integer dim shared numberofspecies as integer = 10000 'total number of species tags dim shared speciesthresh as single = 5 'percentage change for new species dim shared threadsleep as integer = 25 'ms delay between thread launches dim shared testpath as string 'separate path to test warriors (set to benchpath) dim shared enablelog as integer = 0 'enable logging of activity dim shared logfile as string 'name of log file logfile = "mevo.log" dim shared iterationcount as longint dim shared temp as integer dim shared tempstring as string dim item as string dim parm as string dim instrflag as integer dim modsflag as integer dim modesflag as integer dim shared thread as integer dim shared threadselect as any ptr dim shared as integer locx,locy dim shared as string tlcorner,trcorner,blcorner,brcorner,hlinechr,vlinechr rem --- read INI file temp = open(inifile,for input,as #1) if temp = 0 then instrflag = 0 modsflag = 0 modesflag = 0 while not eof(1) line input #1,tempstring tempstring = ltrim(rtrim(tempstring)) z = instr(tempstring,":") if z > 1 and z < len(tempstring) then item = rtrim(left(tempstring,z-1)) parm = " " + mid(tempstring,z+1) z = instr(parm,";") if z then parm = left(parm,z-1) parm = ltrim(rtrim(parm)) if item = "xsize" then xsize = val(parm) if item = "ysize" then ysize = val(parm) if item = "maxsize" then maxsize = val(parm) if item = "threads" then numberofthreads=val(parm) if item = "threadsleep" then threadsleep=val(parm) if item = "infoline" then infoline=parm if item = "coresize" then coresize = val(parm) if item = "processes" then processes = val(parm) if item = "cycles" then cycles = val(parm) if item = "maxlen" then maxlen = val(parm) if item = "mindist" then mindist = val(parm) if item = "rounds" then rounds = val(parm) if item = "pmarsbin" then pmarsbin = parm if item = "pmarsvbin" then pmarsvbin = parm if item = "pmarsvopt" then pmarsvopt = parm if item = "instrate" then instrate = val(parm) if item = "modrate" then modrate = val(parm) if item = "moderate" then moderate = val(parm) if item = "datarate" then datarate = val(parm) if item = "insrate" then insrate = val(parm) if item = "delrate" then delrate = val(parm) if item = "swaprate" then swaprate = val(parm) if item = "dupline" then dupline = val(parm) if item = "incdec" then incdec = val(parm) if item = "bignum" then bignum = val(parm) if item = "initmode" then initmode = val(parm) if item = "spthresh" then speciesthresh = val(parm) if item = "instructions" then if instrflag then instructions = instructions+" "+parm else instructions = parm instrflag = 1 end if end if if item = "modifiers" then if modsflag then modifiers = modifiers+" "+parm else modifiers = parm modsflag = 1 end if end if if item = "modes" then if modesflag then modes = modes+" "+parm else modes = parm modesflag = 1 end if end if if item = "enablebench" then if lcase(parm) = "yes" then enablebench = 1 else enablebench = 0 end if if item = "benchrounds" then benchrounds = val(parm) if item = "savethresh" then savethresh = val(parm) if item = "reinsertmode" then reinsertmode = val(parm) if item = "benchinterval" then benchinterval = val(parm) if item = "reinsertinterval" then reinsertinterval = val(parm) if item = "benchdir" then benchdir = parm if item = "savedir" then savedir = parm if item = "testdir" then testdir = parm if item = "enablelog" then if lcase(parm) = "yes" then enablelog = 1 else enablelog = 0 end if if item = "displayopts" then 'parse mintermheight, textcolor, framecolor and useuni from parm 'a bit of code but want to allow for missing parms, spacing, etc parm = parm + ", " z = instr(parm,",") if z > 1 then tempstring=ltrim(rtrim(left(parm,z-1))) if len(tempstring)>0 then mintermheight=val(tempstring) parm=mid(parm,z+1) end if z = instr(parm,",") if z > 1 then tempstring=ltrim(rtrim(left(parm,z-1))) if len(tempstring)>0 then textcolor=val(tempstring) parm=mid(parm,z+1) end if z = instr(parm,",") if z > 1 then tempstring=ltrim(rtrim(left(parm,z-1))) if len(tempstring)>0 then framecolor=val(tempstring) parm=mid(parm,z+1) end if z = instr(parm,",") if z > 1 then tempstring=ltrim(rtrim(left(parm,z-1))) if len(tempstring)>0 then useuni=val(tempstring) end if end if 'displayops if item = "enablecross" then if lcase(parm) = "yes" then enablecross = 1 else enablecross = 0 end if if item = "flipmaterate" then flipmaterate = val(parm) if item = "flipbackrate" then flipbackrate = val(parm) if item = "xwrap" then if lcase(parm) = "yes" then xwrap = 1 else xwrap = 0 end if if item = "ywrap" then if lcase(parm) = "yes" then ywrap = 1 else ywrap = 0 end if if item = "flipstart" then flipstart = val(parm) if item = "endrate" then endrate = val(parm) if item = "endincdec" then endincdec = val(parm) if item = "end0chance" then end0chance = val(parm) if item = "anychance" then anychance = val(parm) if item = "bestchance" then bestchance = val(parm) end if 'valid setting wend close #1 else rem --- write default ini file open inifile for output as #1 print #1,";ini file for mevo" print #1,"xsize: ";str(xsize);" ;width of soup" print #1,"ysize: ";str(ysize);" ;height of soup" print #1,"xwrap: "; if xwrap then print #1, "yes"; else print #1, "no "; print #1," ;if yes enable side-side wraparound" print #1,"ywrap: "; if ywrap then print #1, "yes"; else print #1, "no "; print #1," ;if yes enable top-bottom wraparound" print #1,"maxsize: ";str(maxsize);" ;max evolved length" print #1,";pmars parameters..." print #1,"coresize: ";str(coresize);" ;size of core array" print #1,"processes:";str(processes);" ;max processes" print #1,"cycles: ";str(cycles);" ;cycles before tie" print #1,"maxlen: ";str(maxlen);" ;maximum warrior length" print #1,"mindist: ";str(mindist);" ;minimum separation" print #1,"rounds: ";str(rounds);" ;# of battle rounds" print #1,"pmarsbin: ";pmarsbin;" ;path/name of pmars binary" print #1,"pmarsvbin: ";pmarsvbin;" ;path/name of pmarsv binary" print #1,"pmarsvopt: ";pmarsvopt;" ;pmarsv view options etc" print #1,";mutation parameters..." print #1,"instrate: ";str(instrate);" ;chance of instruction change" print #1,"modrate: ";str(modrate);" ;chance of modifier change" print #1,"moderate: ";str(moderate);" ;chance of address mode change" print #1,"datarate: ";str(datarate);" ;chance of field value change" print #1,"insrate: ";str(insrate);" ;chance of line insert" print #1,"delrate: ";str(delrate);" ;chance of line delete" print #1,"swaprate: ";str(swaprate);" ;chance of line swap" print #1,"endrate: ";str(endrate);" ;chance of changing end number" print #1,"dupline: ";str(dupline);" ;if insert, chance of dup line" print #1,"incdec: ";str(incdec);" ;if data, chance of inc or dec" print #1,"bignum: ";str(bignum);" ;if data, chance of big number" print #1,"endincdec: ";str(endincdec);" ;if end, chance of inc or dec" print #1,"end0chance: ";str(end0chance);" ;chance of end 0" print #1,";crossover parameters..." print #1,"enablecross: "; if enablecross then print #1,"yes"; else print #1,"no"; print #1," ;if yes then cross with surrounding warrior" print #1,"flipstart: ";str(flipstart);" ;chance of starting with winning warrior" print #1,"flipmaterate: ";str(flipmaterate);" ;chance of changing to mate" print #1,"flipbackrate: ";str(flipbackrate);" ;chance of flipping back" print #1,"anychance: ";str(anychance);" ;chance of crossing with dissimilar warrior" print #1,"bestchance: ";str(bestchance);" ;chance of crossing with warrior with most wins" print #1,";code generation..." print #1,"instructions: ";left(instructions,51) if len(instructions)>53 then print #1,"instructions: ";mid(instructions,53,51) print #1,"modifiers: ";modifiers print #1,"modes: ";modes print #1,";bench parameters..." print #1,"enablebench: "; if enablebench then print #1,"yes"; else print #1,"no"; print #1," ;yes to enable auto-bench/re-ins" print #1,"benchrounds: ";str(benchrounds);" ;rounds used for benchmarking" print #1,"savethresh: ";str(savethresh);" ;percent of top score to save" print #1,"reinsertmode: ";str(reinsertmode);" ;0=none 2=from save" print #1,"benchinterval: ";str(benchinterval);" ;bench every n iterations (0=none)" print #1,"reinsertinterval: ";str(reinsertinterval);" ;re-insert every n iterations (0=none)" print #1,"benchdir: ";benchdir;" ;directory containing benchmark warriors" print #1,"savedir: ";savedir;" ;directory to save warriors to" print #1,"testdir: ";testdir;" ;directory for single-test warriors (def.benchdir)" print #1,";other parameters..." print #1,"initmode: ";str(initmode);" ;start warriors 0=first inst, 1=random" print #1,"spthresh: ";str(speciesthresh);" ;percent change before different color" print #1,"infoline: ";infoline;" ;added to strategy line" print #1,"threads: ";str(numberofthreads);" ;# of processing threads" print #1,"threadsleep: ";str(threadsleep);" ;# ms to sleep between threads" print #1,"enablelog: "; if enablelog then print #1,"yes"; else print #1,"no"; print #1," ;yes to log to mevo.log file" print #1,"displayopts: ";str(mintermheight);",";str(textcolor);",";str(framecolor);","; print #1,str(useuni);" ;term height,text col,frame col,unicode" print #1,";end of ini file" close #1 end if rem --- check critical variables (not to catch all errors) temp = 0 if xsize > 130 or ysize > 100 then print "Soup is too big" : temp = 1 if xsize < 1 or ysize < 1 or xsize*ysize < numberofthreads*2 then print "Soup is too small" : temp = 1 if maxsize > 500 or maxsize < 2 or (maxsize > maxlen and maxlen <> 0) then print "Bad maxsize" : temp = 1 if numberofthreads < 1 or numberofthreads > 20 then print "Bad threads" : temp = 1 if instr(lcase(pmarsbin),"mars") = 0 then print "Bad pmarsbin" : temp = 1 if instr(lcase(pmarsvbin),"mars") = 0 then print "Bad pmarsvbin" : temp = 1 if enablebench and savedir = "" then print "Missing save dir" : temp = 1 if temp then sleep 1000 : system if xsize > 77 or ysize > 21 then print "Soup is bigger than standard terminal" : temp = 1 if instr(pmarsvopt,"-v ") = 0 then print "Missing pmarsvopt -v option" : temp = 1 if benchdir = "" and testdir = "" then print "No bench or test dir specified" : temp = 1 if temp then sleep 1000 rem --- dimension variables dim shared threadarray (1 to numberofthreads) as any ptr dim shared threadnumber(1 to numberofthreads) as integer 'needed so ptr to the for i=1 to numberofthreads:threadnumber(i)=i:next i 'thread number is stable dim shared threadlock (1 to numberofthreads, 1 to 4) as integer dim shared soup(1 to xsize, 1 to ysize, 1 to maxsize, 1 to 6) as integer dim shared species(1 to xsize, 1 to ysize) as integer dim shared generation(1 to xsize, 1 to ysize) as integer dim shared warsize(1 to xsize, 1 to ysize) as integer dim shared origin(1 to xsize, 1 to ysize) as string dim shared wins(1 to xsize, 1 to ysize) as integer dim shared endnum(1 to xsize, 1 to ysize) as integer rem --- derive other variables randomize timer pmarscl = pmarsbin+" -bks "+str(coresize)+" -p "+str(processes) pmarscl = pmarscl+" -c "+str(cycles)+" -d "+str(mindist) if maxlen > 0 then pmarscl = pmarscl+" -l "+str(maxlen) pmarscl = pmarscl+" -r "+str(rounds)+" " benchcl = pmarsbin+" -bks "+str(coresize)+" -p "+str(processes) benchcl = benchcl+" -c "+str(cycles)+" -d "+str(mindist) if maxlen > 0 then benchcl = benchcl+" -l "+str(maxlen) if coresize = 80 and benchrounds = 142 then benchcl = benchcl+" -P " else benchcl = benchcl+" -r "+str(benchrounds)+" -F "+str(int(coresize/2))+" " end if pmarsvcl = pmarsvbin + " -bs "+str(coresize)+" -p "+str(processes) pmarsvcl = pmarsvcl+" -c "+str(cycles)+" -d "+str(mindist) if maxlen > 0 then pmarsvcl = pmarsvcl+" -l "+str(maxlen) else pmarsvcl = pmarsvcl+" -l "+str(mindist) 'in case stock exmars is used end if pmarsvcl = pmarsvcl+" "+pmarsvopt+" " ninstructions = int((len(instructions)+1)/4) nmodifiers = int((len(modifiers)+1)/3) nmodes = len(modes) speciesthresh = speciesthresh/100 'convert percentage to float savethresh = savethresh/100 'ditto for savethresh if usewin then pathsep = "\" else pathsep = "/" benchpath = benchdir + pathsep 'set path to benchmark warriors if testdir = "" then testpath = benchpath 'set interface test path if not set else testpath = testdir + pathsep end if rem --- set up soup box characters if useuni then tlcorner = chr(&hE2)+chr(&h94)+chr(&h8C) trcorner = chr(&hE2)+chr(&h94)+chr(&h90) blcorner = chr(&hE2)+chr(&h94)+chr(&h94) brcorner = chr(&hE2)+chr(&h94)+chr(&h98) hlinechr = chr(&hE2)+chr(&h94)+chr(&h80) vlinechr = chr(&hE2)+chr(&h94)+chr(&h82) else tlcorner = "." trcorner = "." blcorner = "`" brcorner = "'" hlinechr = "-" vlinechr = "|" end if rem --- if both intervals are 0 then disable benchmarking if benchinterval = 0 and reinsertinterval = 0 then enablebench = 0 rem --- if benchmarking not enabled, then set both intervals to 0 if enablebench = 0 then benchinterval = 0 : reinsertinterval = 0 rem --- if benchmarking enabled make sure bench warriors exist if enablebench then tempstring = "" for i = 1 to numberofbenchmasks if tempstring = "" then tempstring = dir(benchpath+benchmask(i)) next i if tempstring = "" then print "Error - auto-bench enabled but no bench warriors found" sleep 1000 system end if end if rem --- load soup array from soup file if exists temp=open(soupfile,for input,as #1) if temp=0 then dim evoend as integer print "Loading soup file..." line input #1,tempstring 'header z = instr(tempstring,":") 'see if soup file has iterationcount if z then iterationcount = val(mid(tempstring,z+1)) 'if present set it evoend = instr(tempstring,"(ee)") 'see if soup file has evolved end line input #1,instructions 'override settings in INI file line input #1,modifiers line input #1,modes ninstructions = int((len(instructions)+1)/4) 'recalc lengths nmodifiers = int((len(modifiers)+1)/3) nmodes = len(modes) input #1,x,y,z if x<>xsize or y<>ysize or z<>maxsize then close #1 print "error - soup file doesn't match parms" sleep 1000 system end if for x = 1 to xsize for y = 1 to ysize input #1,tempstring 'skip identifier input #1,warsize(x,y) input #1,species(x,y) input #1,generation(x,y) input #1,origin(x,y) s = warsize(x,y) for z = 1 to s for i = 1 to 6 input #1,soup(x,y,z,i) next i next z if evoend then input #1,endnum(x,y) next y next x close #1 else rem --- create random or zeroed soup print "Initializing..." for x = 1 to xsize for y = 1 to ysize s = int(rnd*maxsize)+1 if maxsize<=5 then s=maxsize warsize(x,y)=s species(x,y)=int(rnd*numberofspecies) generation(x,y)=0 origin(x,y)=str(x)+"_"+str(y) for z = 1 to s if initmode then soup(x,y,z,1)=int(rnd*ninstructions) soup(x,y,z,2)=int(rnd*nmodifiers) soup(x,y,z,3)=int(rnd*nmodes) ChangeData(x,y,z,4) soup(x,y,z,5)=int(rnd*nmodes) ChangeData(x,y,z,6) else for i = 1 to 6 soup(x,y,z,i)=0 next i end if next z if rnd < end0chance then endnum(x,y)=0 else endnum(x,y)=int(rnd*s) end if next y next x end if rem --- if specified make temp dir and adjust path if tempdir <> "" then mkdir(tempdir) temppath=tempdir+pathsep 'otherwise temppath remains empty and temps go to current end if rem --- make sure another instance isn't running if fileexists(temppath+"mevolock") then print "Error - another instance running" sleep 1000 system else open temppath+"mevolock" for output as #1 close #1 end if rem --- if benchmarking enabled make sure save directory exists, rem --- derive benchdirname (strip path so only name appears in warrior) rem --- scan saved warriors and add scores to prevbenchscores array rem --- determine top score (from saved warriors, not and file # rem --- determine highest saved warrior number if enablebench then mkdir(savedir) savepath = savedir+pathsep benchdirname = benchdir temp = instr(benchdirname,pathsep) while temp > 0 benchdirname = mid(benchdirname, temp+1) temp = instr(benchdirname,pathsep) wend warfile = dir(savepath+"*.red") if warfile <> "" then print "Scanning saved warriors..." do z = instr(warfile,".") 'find position of extension if z > 0 then z = val(left(warfile,z-1)) 'get numerical value of base name if z > lastsavedwarnum then lastsavedwarnum = z 'update last saved warrior if z > 0 then 'if a numbered file (ignore non-numbered files) temp=open(savepath+warfile,for input,as #1) 'open file to check for score if temp=0 then 'if open successful while not eof(1) line input #1,tempstring if left(tempstring,12)=";benchscore " then if numberofbenchscores < maxnumberofbenchscores then numberofbenchscores=numberofbenchscores+1 end if benchscorenumber = benchscorenumber+1 if benchscorenumber > maxnumberofbenchscores then benchscorenumber = 1 benchscorestring = mid(tempstring,13,6) 'spaces and all benchscore=val(benchscorestring) prevbenchscores(benchscorenumber)=benchscorestring if topscore < benchscore then topscore = benchscore topnumber = z 'file number of top-scoring warrior end if end if 'benchscore found wend close #1 end if 'open successful end if 'numbered file warfile = dir() loop until warfile="" end if 'warriors in save dir end if rem ============= user interface ========================== dim as integer exitprogram,gotkey dim cursorx as integer = 1 dim cursory as integer = 1 dim refreshscreen as integer = 1 dim userkey as string do if refreshscreen then DrawSoup() locate ysize+3,1,0 color textcolor print space(77);chr(13); print " E) Evolve L) List R) Run 1-9) Battle T) Test Q) Quit "; do locate cursory+1,cursorx+1,1 'show cursor position while inkey<>"" : wend 'clear key buffer sleep 'wait for a keypress userkey = inkey refreshscreen = 1 gotkey = 1 select case ucase(left(userkey,1)) case "Q" exitprogram = 1 case "E" locate ysize+3,1,0 print space(77);chr(13); 'erase prompt text Evolve() 'run evolution until terminated refreshscreen = 0 'should not need to, don't obscure error messages case "L" WriteWarrior(temppath+"temp.war",1,cursorx,cursory) DisplayFile(temppath+"temp.war") kill temppath+"temp.war" case "T" TestWarrior(cursorx,cursory) case "R" RunWarrior(cursorx,cursory) case "1" to "9" BattleWarrior(cursorx,cursory,userkey) case chr(255) 'extended key if right(userkey,1) = "K" then cursorx = cursorx - 1 if right(userkey,1) = "H" then cursory = cursory - 1 if right(userkey,1) = "M" then cursorx = cursorx + 1 if right(userkey,1) = "P" then cursory = cursory + 1 if cursorx < 1 then cursorx = 1 if cursory < 1 then cursory = 1 if cursorx > xsize then cursorx = xsize if cursory > ysize then cursory = ysize gotkey = 0 case else gotkey = 0 end select loop until gotkey loop until exitprogram rem ============= end user interface ====================== locate ysize+3,1 print space(77);chr(13); print "Saving soup..."; rem --- remove temps for i = 1 to numberofthreads kill temppath+str(i)+"a" kill temppath+str(i)+"b" kill temppath+str(i)+"s" next i kill temppath+"mevolock" rmdir(tempdir) rem --- dump soup file open soupfile for output as #1 print #1,"=== MEVO Soup Data File (ee) === iteration:";iterationcount print #1,instructions print #1,modifiers print #1,modes print #1,str(xsize);",";str(ysize);",";str(maxsize) for x = 1 to xsize for y = 1 to ysize print #1,"warrior ";str(x);" ";str(y) print #1,str(warsize(x,y)) print #1,str(species(x,y)) print #1,str(generation(x,y)) print #1,origin(x,y) s = warsize(x,y) for z = 1 to s print #1,str(soup(x,y,z,1));",";str(soup(x,y,z,2));","; print #1,str(soup(x,y,z,3));",";str(soup(x,y,z,4));","; print #1,str(soup(x,y,z,5));",";str(soup(x,y,z,6)) next z print #1,str(endnum(x,y)) next y next x close #1 rem --- dump warriors as files if soupdir <> "" then mkdir(soupdir) souppath=soupdir+pathsep endif for x = 1 to xsize for y = 1 to ysize WriteWarrior(souppath+str(x)+"_"+str(y)+".red",1,x,y) next y next x print chr(13);space(20);chr(13); system rem ======================= subs ========================== rem --- draw soup on screen sub DrawSoup() dim as integer lx,ly,li dim tempstr as string cls color framecolor print tlcorner;:for li=1 to xsize:print hlinechr;:next li:print trcorner for ly=1 to ysize color framecolor:print vlinechr; for lx=1 to xsize li=warsize(lx,ly) if li < 10 then tempstr=str(li) else tempstr=chr(li+55) end if color species(lx,ly) mod 14 + 1 print tempstr; next lx color framecolor:print vlinechr next ly print blcorner;:for li=1 to xsize:print hlinechr;:next li:print brcorner end sub rem ============================== rem --- the evolve action - launches threads to perform rem --- evolution until stopped by pressing the Esc key sub Evolve() if enablelog then open logfile for append as #1 print #1,"START,";date;",";time;",";str(iterationcount) close #1 end if if topnumber > 0 then 'if top-scoring warrior exists locate ysize+3,30 'update top-score display color textcolor print "Top ";str(topnumber);" score=";left(str(topscore),6); end if if numberofthreads > 1 then threadselect = mutexcreate do if numberofthreads > 1 then for thread = 1 to numberofthreads if threadarray(thread)<>0 then threadwait(threadarray(thread)) threadarray(thread)=threadcreate(@RunEvolveTask,@threadnumber(thread)) if threadsleep > 0 then sleep threadsleep next thread else RunEvolveTask(@threadnumber(1)) if threadsleep > 0 then sleep threadsleep end if iterationcount = iterationcount + numberofthreads rem --- bench stuff 'the logic here is a bit convoluted... bench or reinsertion can be disabled 'independently by setting the associated interval to 0, and need to trigger 'at exactly the specified interval if a single thread. Careful here or bugs. if benchinterval > 0 then benchcounter = benchcounter+numberofthreads if reinsertinterval > 0 then reinsertcounter = reinsertcounter+numberofthreads if (benchinterval > 0 and benchcounter >= benchinterval) or _ (reinsertinterval > 0 and reinsertcounter >= reinsertinterval) then if numberofthreads > 1 then for thread=1 to numberofthreads 'wait for all threads to finish if threadarray(thread)<>0 then threadwait(threadarray(thread)) threadarray(thread)=0 'clear array so it won't try to wait on it next thread end if if benchinterval > 0 and benchcounter >= benchinterval then PerformBenchmark() benchcounter = 0 end if if reinsertinterval > 0 and reinsertcounter > reinsertinterval then PerformReinsertion() reinsertcounter = 0 end if end if 'bench or reinsert triggered rem --- end bench stuff loop until inkey=chr(27) 'loop until evolver is cancelled if numberofthreads > 1 then for thread=1 to numberofthreads 'wait for all threads to finish if threadarray(thread)<>0 then threadwait(threadarray(thread)) threadarray(thread)=0 next thread mutexdestroy threadselect end if if enablelog then open logfile for append as #1 print #1,"STOP,";date;",";time;",";str(iterationcount) close #1 end if end sub rem ============================== rem --- write warrior sub WriteWarrior(byval fname as string,byval handle as integer,byval sx as integer,byval sy as integer) dim as integer ss,sz,t ss = warsize(sx,sy) open fname for output as handle print #handle,";redcode" print #handle,";name ";str(sx);"_";str(sy) print #handle,";author mevo" print #handle,";strategy ";infoline print #handle,";generation ";str(generation(sx,sy)) print #handle,";species ";str(species(sx,sy)) print #handle,";origin ";origin(sx,sy) print #handle,";assert 1" for sz=1 to ss print #handle,mid(instructions,soup(sx,sy,sz,1)*4+1,3); print #handle,mid(modifiers,soup(sx,sy,sz,2)*3+1,3);" "; print #handle,mid(modes,soup(sx,sy,sz,3)+1,1); print #handle,str(soup(sx,sy,sz,4));","; print #handle,mid(modes,soup(sx,sy,sz,5)+1,1); print #handle,str(soup(sx,sy,sz,6)) next sz t = endnum(sx,sy) if t > 0 then print #handle,"end ";str(t) else print #handle,"end" end if close handle end sub rem ============================== rem --- change data sub ChangeData(byval sx as integer,byval sy as integer,byval sz as integer,byval sk as integer) if rnd 1 then mutexlock threadselect do do lx1 = int(rnd*xsize)+1 ly1 = int(rnd*ysize)+1 lz = int(rnd*8) select case lz case 0: lx2=lx1-1:ly2=ly1-1 case 1: lx2=lx1-1:ly2=ly1 case 2: lx2=lx1-1:ly2=ly1+1 case 3: lx2=lx1:ly2=ly1-1 case 4: lx2=lx1:ly2=ly1+1 case 5: lx2=lx1+1:ly2=ly1-1 case 6: lx2=lx1+1:ly2=ly1 case 7: lx2=lx1+1:ly2=ly1+1 end select if xwrap then if lx2 < 1 then lx2 = lx2 + xsize if lx2 > xsize then lx2 = lx2 - xsize end if if ywrap then if ly2 < 1 then ly2 = ly2 + ysize if ly2 > ysize then ly2 = ly2 - ysize end if loop until lx2>0 and lx2<=xsize and ly2>0 and ly2<=ysize ok = 1 if numberofthreads > 1 then for li=1 to numberofthreads if threadlock(li,1)=lx1 and threadlock(li,2)=ly1 then ok = 0 if threadlock(li,3)=lx1 and threadlock(li,4)=ly1 then ok = 0 if threadlock(li,1)=lx2 and threadlock(li,2)=ly2 then ok = 0 if threadlock(li,3)=lx2 and threadlock(li,4)=ly2 then ok = 0 next li if ok then threadlock(id,1)=lx1 threadlock(id,2)=ly1 threadlock(id,3)=lx2 threadlock(id,4)=ly2 end if end if loop until ok rem --- battle warriors in pmars WriteWarrior(temppath+str(id)+"a",id+10,lx1,ly1) WriteWarrior(temppath+str(id)+"b",id+10,lx2,ly2) tempstr=pmarscl+temppath+str(id)+"a "+temppath+str(id)+"b" if numberofthreads > 1 then mutexunlock threadselect if usewin then shell tempstr+" > "+temppath+str(id)+"s" open temppath+str(id)+"s" for input as #(id+10) else open pipe tempstr for input as #(id+10) end if if numberofthreads > 1 then mutexlock threadselect input #(id+10),tempstr lz = instr(tempstr," ") s1 = val(left(tempstr,lz)) input #(id+10),tempstr lz = instr(tempstr," ") s2 = val(left(tempstr,lz)) close #(id+10) rem --- determine winner, if 2nd tied or won then swap 1/2 if s2 >= s1 then t=lx1 : lx1=lx2: lx2=t t=ly1 : ly1=ly2: ly2=t end if rem --- update wins array wins(lx1,ly1) = wins(lx1,ly1)+1 wins(lx2,ly2) = 0 rem --- copy 1 to 2 while making random changes xsrc = lx1 ysrc = ly1 if enablecross then allowany = 0 'flag to enable different size/species crosses usebest = 0 'flag to control crossover "attraction" if rnd < anychance then allowany = 1 'if set, occasionally allow all crosses if rnd < bestchance then usebest = 1 'if set cross with warrior with most wins xcross = 0 ycross = 0 cstart = int(rnd*8) 'random start direction for no bias cstop = cstart + 7 'scan 8 directions for li = cstart to cstop select case (li mod 8) 'reduce to 0-7 case 0: cx=lx1-1:cy=ly1-1 case 1: cx=lx1-1:cy=ly1 case 2: cx=lx1-1:cy=ly1+1 case 3: cx=lx1:cy=ly1-1 case 4: cx=lx1:cy=ly1+1 case 5: cx=lx1+1:cy=ly1-1 case 6: cx=lx1+1:cy=ly1 case 7: cx=lx1+1:cy=ly1+1 end select 'adjust if soup wrap selected... if xwrap then if cx < 1 then cx = cx + xsize if cx > xsize then cx = cx - xsize end if if ywrap then if cy < 1 then cy = cy + ysize if cy > ysize then cy = cy - ysize end if 'check to see within grid limits... if cx > 0 and cx <= xsize and cy > 0 and cy <= ysize then 'make sure it's not the warrior that just lost... if not (cx=lx2 and cy=ly2) then if allowany or species(cx,cy) = species(lx1,ly1) then if allowany or warsize(cx,cy) = warsize(lx1,ly1) then if usebest then 'choose a warrior that has the most wins cbetter = 0 cwins = wins(cx,cy) 'minimize array access if cwins > cbest then 'always choose if more wins cbetter = 1 else if cwins = cbest then 'sometimes choose if the same wins if rnd < .5 then cbetter = 1 end if end if if cbetter then 'if better than previous considerations cbest = cwins 'update best xcross = cx 'indicate selection ycross = cy end if else 'don't discriminate xcross = cx 'just select last available one ycross = cy end if 'usebest end if 'same size end if 'same species end if 'not the warrior being mutated to end if 'selection is in range next li flipflag = 0 if xcross > 0 then 'if mate found if rnd > flipstart then 'determine starting warrior flipflag = 1 xsrc = xcross ysrc = ycross end if end if end if 'enable cross wline1 = 0 'initialize source and dest line counters wline2 = 0 warsize(lx2,ly2)=warsize(lx1,ly1) origin(lx2,ly2)=origin(lx1,ly1) generation(lx2,ly2)=generation(lx1,ly1)+1 species(lx2,ly2)=species(lx1,ly1) changes = 0 endnum(lx2,ly2)=endnum(xsrc,ysrc) 'use end number of whichever is first do wline1 = wline1 + 1 'increment source line wline2 = wline2 + 1 'increment destination line if enablecross and xcross > 0 then if flipflag then 'account for possibility mate is smaller than winner if rnd < flipbackrate or wline1 > warsize(xcross,ycross) then flipflag = 0 xsrc = lx1 ysrc = ly1 end if else if rnd < flipmaterate then if wline1 <= warsize(xcross,ycross) then 'only flip if a line is present flipflag = 1 xsrc = xcross ysrc = ycross end if end if end if end if for li=1 to 6 'default copy line exactly soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,li)=soup(xsrc,ysrc,wline1,li) next li if flipflag then 'account for cross differences in changes count if soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,1)<>soup(lx1,ly1,wline1,1) then changes=changes+1 end if if rnd < delrate and warsize(lx2,ly2) > 1 then 'delete line wline2 = wline2-1 'decrement dest line so next line will overwrite warsize(lx2,ly2)=warsize(lx2,ly2)-1 changes = changes+1 else if rnd < insrate then 'insert a new line.. wline1 = wline1 - 1 'back up source pointer, replace current dest line if warsize(lx2,ly2) < maxsize then warsize(lx2,ly2)=warsize(lx2,ly2)+1 if rnd < dupline and wline2 > 1 then 'copy previous line to new line for li=1 to 6 soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,li)=soup(lx2,ly2,wline2-1,li) next li else 'make a random line soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,1)=int(rnd*ninstructions) soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,2)=int(rnd*nmodifiers) soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,3)=int(rnd*nmodes) ChangeData(lx2,ly2,wline2,4) soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,5)=int(rnd*nmodes) ChangeData(lx2,ly2,wline2,6) end if changes = changes+1 end if 'insert line, further mutate the line if rnd < swaprate and wline2 > 1 then 'swap line with previous line for li=1 to 6 t=soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,li) soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,li)=soup(lx2,ly2,wline2-1,li) soup(lx2,ly2,wline2-1,li)=t next li changes=changes+2 end if if rnd < instrate then 'randomly pick a new instruction soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,1)=int(rnd*ninstructions) changes=changes+1 end if 'randomly pick new modifier and mode.. if rnd < modrate then soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,2)=int(rnd*nmodifiers) if rnd < moderate then soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,3)=int(rnd*nmodes) if rnd < datarate then 'pick new field value if rnd < incdec then 'increment or decrement existing value soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,4)=soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,4)+int(rnd*2)*2-1 else 'pick new random value (weighted by bignum) ChangeData(lx2,ly2,wline2,4) end if end if 'same for B mode and value.. if rnd < moderate then soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,5)=int(rnd*nmodes) if rnd < datarate then if rnd < incdec then soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,6)=soup(lx2,ly2,wline2,6)+int(rnd*2)*2-1 else ChangeData(lx2,ly2,wline2,6) end if end if end if 'delete line loop while wline1 < warsize(lx1,ly1) and wline2 < maxsize if rnd < endrate then 'evolve end number... t = endnum(lx2,ly2) if rnd < endincdec then if rnd < .5 then if t > 0 then t=t-1 else if t < warsize(lx2,ly2) then t=t+1 end if else if rnd < end0chance then t = 0 else t = int(rnd*warsize(lx2,ly2)-1)+1 end if end if if t <> endnum(lx2,ly2) then endnum(lx2,ly2)=t changes = changes+1 'count as a single change end if end if 'make sure end number is valid... if endnum(lx2,ly2) >= warsize(lx2,ly2) then endnum(lx2,ly2)=warsize(lx2,ly2)-1 'no change indication if not, would be a rare situation if changes > maxsize*speciesthresh then 'pick a new species/color species(lx2,ly2)=int(rnd*numberofspecies) end if rem --- plot warrior on screen li=warsize(lx2,ly2) if li < 10 then tempstr=str(li) else tempstr=chr(li+55) end if locate ly2+1,lx2+1,0 color species(lx2,ly2) mod 14 + 1 print tempstr; rem --- empty threadlocks if numberofthreads > 1 then threadlock(id,1)=0 threadlock(id,2)=0 threadlock(id,3)=0 threadlock(id,4)=0 mutexunlock threadselect end if end sub rem ============================== rem --- benchmark warrior temp/1a (called from evolve loop) rem --- if over savethresh of topscore then save it rem --- if over topscore then save to topwarrior sub PerformBenchmark() dim as integer wins,ties,maskcount,li,tempint dim as string savefile,tempstr,tempgen numberofbenchwarriors = 0 benchscore = 0 maskcount = 0 savefile = "not saved" 'for logging warfile = temppath + "1a" do maskcount = maskcount+1 benchfile = dir(benchpath+benchmask(maskcount)) loop until benchfile <> "" or maskcount = numberofbenchmasks if benchfile <> "" then 'in case bench warriors removed while running do numberofbenchwarriors = numberofbenchwarriors + 1 benchfile = benchpath + benchfile tempstr=benchcl+warfile+" "+benchfile if usewin then shell tempstr+" > "+temppath+"1s" open temppath+"1s" for input as #1 else open pipe tempstr for input as #1 end if input #1,tempstr close #1 tempint = instr(tempstr," ") wins = val(left(tempstr,tempint)) ties = val(mid(tempstr,tempint)) benchscore = benchscore + wins * 3 + ties benchfile = dir() if benchfile = "" and maskcount < numberofbenchmasks then do maskcount = maskcount + 1 benchfile = dir(benchpath+benchmask(maskcount)) loop until benchfile <> "" or maskcount = numberofbenchmasks end if loop until benchfile = "" benchscore = (benchscore/numberofbenchwarriors)*(100/benchrounds) benchscorestring = left(str(benchscore)+" ",6) if benchscore > topscore * savethresh then 'good enough to save tempint = 1 for li = 1 to numberofbenchscores if prevbenchscores(li) = benchscorestring then tempint = 0 next li if tempint then 'not a duplicate lastsavedwarnum = lastsavedwarnum + 1 if numberofbenchscores < maxnumberofbenchscores then numberofbenchscores = numberofbenchscores + 1 end if benchscorenumber = benchscorenumber + 1 if benchscorenumber > maxnumberofbenchscores then benchscorenumber = 1 prevbenchscores(benchscorenumber) = benchscorestring savefile = savepath + str(lastsavedwarnum)+".red" filecopy(warfile,savefile) open savefile for append as #1 print #1,";benchscore ";benchscorestring; print #1," (";benchdirname;" ";str(benchrounds);" rounds)" close #1 if benchscore > topscore + .0001 then topscore = benchscore topnumber = lastsavedwarnum filecopy(savefile,topwarrior) locate ysize+3,30 color textcolor print "Top ";str(topnumber);" score=";left(str(topscore),6);" "; end if locate ysize+3,2 color textcolor print "Saved ";str(lastsavedwarnum);" score=";left(str(benchscore),6);" "; end if 'not a duplicate end if 'good enough to save if enablelog then open warfile for input as #1 'open file to read generation tempgen = "unknown" while not eof(1) line input #1,tempstr if left(tempstr,12)=";generation " then tempgen = ltrim(mid(tempstr,13)) wend close #1 open logfile for append as #1 print #1,"BENCH,";benchscorestring;",";left(str(topscore),6);","; print #1,tempgen;",";date;",";time;",";str(iterationcount);",";savefile close #1 end if end if 'bench performed end sub rem ============================== rem --- reinsert a warrior back into the soup rem --- tricky... have to convert string format back to numbers sub PerformReinsertion() dim as integer lx,ly,lz,li,num dim as string ts,wln warfile = "" if reinsertmode = 1 then 'reinsert if fileexists(topwarrior) then warfile = topwarrior end if if reinsertmode = 2 then 'reinsert randomly selected saved warrior ts = savepath+str(int(rnd*lastsavedwarnum)+1)+".red" if fileexists(ts) then warfile = ts end if if warfile <> "" then temp = open(warfile,for input,as #1) if temp = 0 then lx = int(rnd*xsize)+1 'pick a random soup location to overwrite ly = int(rnd*ysize)+1 lz = 0 'line counter generation(lx,ly) = 0 'defaults in case comments missing species(lx,ly) = 0 origin(lx,ly) = "" while not eof(1) line input #1,wln wln=ltrim(rtrim(lcase(wln))) if left(wln,12)=";generation " then generation(lx,ly)=val(mid(wln,13)) if left(wln,9)=";species " then species(lx,ly)=val(mid(wln,10)) if left(wln,8)=";origin " then origin(lx,ly)=mid(wln,9) if left(wln,3)="end" then endnum(lx,ly) = val(mid(wln,5)) if left(wln,1)<>";" and left(wln,3)<>"end" and lz < maxsize then 'looks like code ts=left(wln,3) 'instruction num=-1 for li=0 to ninstructions-1 if lcase(mid(instructions,li*4+1,3))=ts then num=li next li temp = instr(wln,",") if num>=0 and temp>7 and len(wln)>temp then 'matched instruction lz = lz + 1 soup(lx,ly,lz,1)=num num=0 ts=mid(wln,4,3) 'modifier if left(ts,1)="." or ts=" " then for li=0 to nmodifiers-1 if lcase(mid(modifiers+" ",li*3+1,3))=ts then num=li next li wln=ltrim(mid(wln,7)) else wln=ltrim(mid(wln,5)) 'handle no-modifier tab hack end if soup(lx,ly,lz,2)=num ts=left(wln,1) num=0 for li=0 to nmodes-1 if mid(modes,li+1,1)=ts then num=li next li soup(lx,ly,lz,3)=num wln=mid(wln,2) temp=instr(wln,",") soup(lx,ly,lz,4)=val(left(wln,temp-1)) wln=ltrim(mid(wln,temp+1)) ts=left(wln,1) num=0 for li=0 to nmodes-1 if mid(modes,li+1,1)=ts then num = li next li soup(lx,ly,lz,5)=num wln=mid(wln,2) temp=instr(wln,";") if temp>1 then wln=left(wln,temp-1) soup(lx,ly,lz,6)=val(wln) end if 'matched instruction end if 'looks like code wend close #1 warsize(lx,ly) = lz locate ysize+3,60 color textcolor print "Last RI ";str(lx);" ";str(ly);" "; if lz < 10 then ts=str(lz) else ts=chr(lz+55) end if locate ly+1,lx+1,0 color species(lx,ly) mod 14 + 1 print ts; end if 'valid file end if 'file picked end sub rem ============================== rem --- display a file (uses handle 1) rem --- limited to 1000 lines of 79 chars max rem --- this is just a crude lister, nothing special rem --- obvious keys.. up down to move, esc to exit sub DisplayFile(byval fname as string) dim as integer aline,asize,dsize,ferror,li,bt,exitsub,validkey dim tmpstr as string dim afile(1 to 1000) as string color textcolor dsize = ysize + 3 if dsize < mintermheight then dsize = mintermheight ferror = open(fname,for input,as #1) if ferror = 0 then asize = 0 while asize < 1000 and not eof(1) line input #1,tmpstr 'get line from file asize = asize+1 afile(asize)=left(tmpstr+space(79),79) 'space pad in array wend close #1 bt = 1000 'calculate needed space lines at end if asize+dsize < 1000 then bt = asize+dsize if asize < 1000 then for li=asize+1 to bt 'add space lines to end of array afile(li)=space(79) next li end if aline = 1 'start at first line exitsub = 0 cls do 'until exited locate 1,1,0 for li=aline to aline+dsize-1 'print lines from array print afile(li); 'no newline if li < aline+dsize-1 then print 'if not last line add newline next li do sleep 'wait for keypress tmpstr = inkey 'key keypress validkey = 1 if left(tmpstr,1) = chr(255) then select case right(tmpstr,1) case "H" 'cursor up aline = aline-1 if aline < 1 then aline = 1 case "P" 'cursor down aline = aline+1 if aline > asize-dsize+1 then aline = asize-dsize+1 if aline < 1 then aline = 1 'handle files less than 1 screen case else validkey = 0 end select else if tmpstr = chr(27) then 'exit exitsub = 1 validkey = 1 else validkey = 0 end if end if loop until validkey loop until exitsub end if end sub rem ============================== sub TestWarrior(byval sx as integer,byval sy as integer) dim as string tempstr,tempstr2,benchwarname dim as integer wins,ties,losses,maskcount,li,tempint dim warscore as single numberofbenchwarriors = 0 benchscore = 0 maskcount = 0 do maskcount = maskcount+1 benchfile = dir(testpath+benchmask(maskcount)) loop until benchfile <> "" or maskcount = numberofbenchmasks if benchfile <> "" then 'benchmark warriors present warfile = temppath+"temp.war" WriteWarrior(warfile,1,sx,sy) open temppath+"temp.rep" for output as #2 print #2,"Opponent Wins Ties Loss Score Performance of ";str(sx);"_";str(sy) print #2,"-------------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- ------------------------------" color textcolor cls print "Performing warrior test..." do print benchfile benchwarname = benchfile 'save for default name without path numberofbenchwarriors = numberofbenchwarriors + 1 benchfile = testpath + benchfile tempstr=benchcl+warfile+" "+benchfile if usewin then shell tempstr+" > "+temppath+"1s" open temppath+"1s" for input as #1 else open pipe tempstr for input as #1 end if input #1,tempstr close #1 tempint = instr(tempstr," ") wins = val(left(tempstr,tempint)) ties = val(mid(tempstr,tempint)) losses = benchrounds - wins - ties warscore = wins * 3 + ties 'calc raw score for warrior benchscore = benchscore + warscore 'add raw score to cumulative score warscore = warscore * (100/benchrounds) 'adjust raw score for 0-300 range open benchfile for input as #1 'get name from bench warrior tempstr2 = "" while not eof(1) line input #1,tempstr if left(tempstr,6)=";name " then tempstr2=ltrim(rtrim(mid(tempstr,7))) wend close #1 if tempstr2 <> "" then benchwarname = tempstr2 'assign if a name is present print #2,left(benchwarname+space(20),20);" "; print #2,left(str(wins)+" ",5);" ";left(str(ties)+" ",5);" "; print #2,left(str(losses)+" ",5);" "; print #2,left(str(warscore)+" ",5);" "; tempint = int(warscore/10) 'number of *'s for performance bar tempstr = "" if tempint > 0 then for li = 1 to tempint tempstr = tempstr+"*" next li end if print #2,tempstr benchfile = dir() 'get next benchmark warrior filename if benchfile = "" and maskcount < numberofbenchmasks then do maskcount = maskcount + 1 benchfile = dir(testpath+benchmask(maskcount)) loop until benchfile <> "" or maskcount = numberofbenchmasks end if loop until benchfile = "" benchscore = (benchscore/numberofbenchwarriors)*(100/benchrounds) print #2,"-------------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- ------------------------------" print #2,"Benchmark score: ";left(str(benchscore),6) close #2 'close the report file DisplayFile(temppath+"temp.rep") kill temppath+"temp.rep" kill temppath+"temp.war" end if end sub rem ============================== sub RunWarrior(byval sx as integer,byval sy as integer) WriteWarrior(temppath+"temp.war",1,sx,sy) if usewin then color textcolor cls shell pmarsvcl+temppath+"temp.war" else open pipe pmarsvcl+temppath+"temp.war" for input as #1 close #1 end if kill temppath+"temp.war" end sub rem ============================== sub BattleWarrior(byval sx as integer,byval sy as integer,byval numkey as string) dim tempstr as string dim as integer opx,opy select case numkey 'determine opponent coordinates in opx,opy case "1": opx=sx-1:opy=sy+1 case "2": opx=sx :opy=sy+1 case "3": opx=sx+1:opy=sy+1 case "4": opx=sx-1:opy=sy case "5": opx=sx :opy=sy case "6": opx=sx+1:opy=sy case "7": opx=sx-1:opy=sy-1 case "8": opx=sx :opy=sy-1 case "9": opx=sx+1:opy=sy-1 end select if opx > 0 and opx <= xsize and opy > 0 and opy <= ysize then 'in range color textcolor WriteWarrior(temppath+"temp1.war",1,sx,sy) WriteWarrior(temppath+"temp2.war",1,opx,opy) if usewin then cls 'hard to predict how it'll behave so just clear and run pmarsv/pmarsw shell pmarsvcl+temppath+"temp1.war "+temppath+"temp2.war" print "(press a key)" 'always prompt to continue sleep tempstr = inkey else open pipe pmarsvcl+temppath+"temp1.war "+temppath+"temp2.war" for input as #1 tempstr = "" if not eof(1) then line input #1,tempstr : tempstr=ltrim(tempstr) if tempstr <> "" then 'for Linux only clear if text is actually returned cls 'if user aborts battle then don't bother user print tempstr while not eof(1) line input #1,tempstr print tempstr wend print "(press a key)" sleep tempstr = inkey end if close #1 end if kill temppath+"temp1.war" kill temppath+"temp2.war" end if end sub rem ============================== rem --- end of evolver rem --- history... rem 12/3/09 added anychance to occasionally cross dissimilar warriors rem added bestchance to control crossing with "best" warrior rem 11/27/09 added end number mutation and options for rate, incdec and 0 rem 11/19/09 added xwrap and ywrap options to enable wraparound rem added flipstart option to select starting warrior for crossover rem 10/2/09 added crossover and options to enable and set flip rates rem 9/20/09 improved selection for battle warriors rem added option to set min lines, text/frame colors, unicode rem added separate color for starting up (and to avoid odd effect) rem modified pmarsv battle code for Linux to not prompt if cancelled rem 9/19/09 finished writing the testdir setting code rem 9/18/09 improved save dir scan to parse actual file numbers rem immediately display current top score when evolving rem 9/16/09 added iteration counter and an option to log rem start bench and stop data to a mevo.log file rem fixed interval logic to count better (was off by 1) rem (B) fixed soup display for smaller soups rem 9/14/09 comments and stuff, changed so ties are losses rem (B) modified line insert code to work on all lines rem 9/13/09 moved evolve and display soup to subs with tweaks rem added subs for listing, running, battling and testing warriors rem added new INI parms pmarsvbin, pmarsvopt, threadsleep rem added key-based user interface code for exploring the soup rem more conservative thread code, none at all if just 1 thread rem fixed bugs in mutation and benchmark code rem license changed to GPL rem 9/7/09 soup.dat file now includes code tables for self-sufficiency rem (to convert existing soup file add instructions,modifiers,modes) rem added automatic benchmarking and extraction and reinsertion rem 9/6/09 added check for another instance, added check for linux rem to make sure env var TERM is set to avoid running raw binary rem removed some of the threadlocks to make it go faster rem 9/5/09 initial release